
  • Created by: PhoebeCC
  • Created on: 01-04-21 07:48
What is the name of the process that plants use to move sucrose from source to a sink.
1 of 6
Some keys are use paired choices of features to identify species. State the name of the process.
Dichotomous Keys
2 of 6
State all features of ATHROPODS
8 legs 4 eyes Segmented body AVP exoskeleton
3 of 6
State a name other then morphology features that can be used as classifacation.
DNA genes . Anatomy . Behavior { AVP}
4 of 6
How is glucose produced in leaves?
Photosynthesis . Light . Chlorophyll . CO2 and H2O react . Oxygen.
5 of 6
Roots can be an example of a sink . Explain why sometimes roots act as a source rather than a sink.
Roots release energy and glucose . For respiration . Use for a new energy in plant . {FLOWERING } . Sometimes cannot produce enough glucose.
6 of 6

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Card 2


Dichotomous Keys


Some keys are use paired choices of features to identify species. State the name of the process.

Card 3


8 legs 4 eyes Segmented body AVP exoskeleton


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Card 4


DNA genes . Anatomy . Behavior { AVP}


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Card 5


Photosynthesis . Light . Chlorophyll . CO2 and H2O react . Oxygen.


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