

1. Reproduction

  • Living things reproduce to make old organisms like themselves
  • Living things reproduce to make new organisms like themselves.
  • Living things can’t reproduce so someday we’ll run out of people.
  • ?
1 of 14

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2. Excretion

  • Living things get rid of waste materials that are made in their bodies.
  • Living things can’t get rid of waste materials in their bodies.
  • Living thing produce smelly poos
  • ?

3. Systems

  • Cells tissues lol and poo
  • Selected organs together for a system which carries out one of the many life processes.
  • Selected systems together for a organ which carries out one of the many life processes.
  • ?

4. What is the order?

  • ?
  • Cells, tissues, organs, systems, organism
  • Organisms, systems, organs, tissues, cells
  • Tissues, organs, cells, organisms

5. Continuous Variation

  • Continuous Variation is when living things grow to increase in sizce and you record that.
  • Continuous Variation is when the feature varies from one extreme to another for all the organisms in the species.
  • Continuous Variation is when organisms either have or do not have a feature and so the organisms can be placed into distinct groups.
  • Continuous Variation is when the feature is not good.


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