Other questions in this quiz

2. if a fatty acid has many C=C double bonds, it is...

  • saturated
  • unsaturated
  • polyunsaturated
  • monounsaturated

3. which part of a phospholipid is hydophilic?

  • the negatively charged phosphate 'head'
  • the negatively charged fatty acid tails
  • it isnt, fatty acids are hydrophobic

4. if a fatty acid has no C=C double bonds, it is...

  • saturated
  • unsaturated
  • single bonds

5. which is a function of a lipid?

  • help water soak into the leaves
  • energy reserve - it is even richer in carbon-hydrogen bonds than carbohydrates
  • lysosomes - they help to synthesise lysosomes within cells


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