Biological Influences on Gender

Quiz to help you and me both revise the dreaded psychology!! hope this helps! :)

  • Created by: Zoe
  • Created on: 06-12-12 18:31
What did four categories did Bem's SRI Scale find?
Masculine, Feminine, Angrogynous and Undifferentiated
1 of 10
What is the 2D:4D Ratio?
the ratio between the lengths of the second (index) and fourth (ring) finger.
2 of 10
Who has a higher 2D:4D ratio?
3 of 10
How did Young conduct the experiment on rats?
By injecting them with testosterone to establish the effects.
4 of 10
What did Troche find?
Those who showed more feminine behaviour on Bem's SRI Scale had a 2D:4D ratio which indicated lower exposure to androgens.
5 of 10
What is Parental Investment? (Trivers)
the amount of time, energy and effort put in to aid the reproduction and survival of a child.
6 of 10
What did Trivers argue?
that behavioural differences between men and women evolved due to different reproductive strategies which led to reproductive success.
7 of 10
What does both the evolutionary and biological approach emphasise?
the role of nature and genes in gender development.
8 of 10
What have both approaches been criticised for?
Being too deterministic
9 of 10
What did Thornhill and Palmer argue?
That **** can be explained through the mechanisms of evolution by natural selection
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the 2D:4D Ratio?


the ratio between the lengths of the second (index) and fourth (ring) finger.

Card 3


Who has a higher 2D:4D ratio?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did Young conduct the experiment on rats?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Troche find?


Preview of the front of card 5
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