Bio Sex Differences 1

  • Created by: freya_bc
  • Created on: 14-03-18 12:30
Beach (1975)
heterosexual mating behaviour in mammals attractivity stimulares appetitive behaviour which has 4 effects-
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Monaghan & Breedlove, 1992
These motoneurons and muscles are necessary for normal penile reflexes that are important for successful copulation- spinal cord controls the bulbocavemosus muscle at base of penis
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Moore (1992)
interaction of nature and nurture- testosterone exerts some masculinising effects on SNB and sexual behaviour via the rat mother- rat mother lick male pups more often because testosterone in urine, contrib to normal sexual behaviour in adult...
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and normal number of SNB neurons
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Morris et al., 2004
Sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) and posterodorsal medial amygdala (MePD)SDN-POA is masculinised by testosterone during a critical perinatal period. MePD volume and cell size depend on testosterone action in adulthood.
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Shah et al., 2004
circuits contain sex hormone receptors, and these are critical for sexually dimorphic mating behaviour: testosterone for male behaviour, estradiol and progestorone for female behaviour. Several components of these circuits are sexually dimorphic
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Forger & Breedlove, 1986
Ventrolateral (VL) cell group of Onuf’s nucleus in the human spinal chord more motoneurons in males than females
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Fliers & Swaab, 1985
One nucleus in the POA of hypothalamus was larger in volume and cell number in males than in females. Hence, authors named the nucleus SDN.
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Allen et al, 1989
Studied four nuclei in the POA, which they named interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH) 1-4. INAH1 corresponded to SDN of Fliers&Swaab (1985), but did not differ between sexes. INAH4 also did not differ. INAH2 and 3 larger in men
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LeVay, 1991,
Found no significant sex differences in INAH1,2, and 4. Replicated that INAH3 was larger in heterosexual men than in women. Found additionally that INAH3 did not differ between homosexual men and heterosexual women
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Arnold et al, 1993
In rodents, it has been shown that these aspects of aggression are mediated by brain regions that overlap with regions implicated in reproductive behaviour; they are sex dependent and under the influence of sex steroids (strong evi testosterone
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Gladue&Bailey, 1995,
In humans, there is evidence for some aspects of aggression being sexually dimorphic Effect sizes of differences in ratings of aggression and competitiveness based on questionnaire responses
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Pasterski et al., 2007
Testosterone has been suggested to contribute to these sex differences by acting on the brain, and some direct evidence supports this suggestion but other factors such as larger physical strength in men may influence
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Hamson et al, 2016,
male advatnage in spatial rotation, paper folding, target accuracy, embedded figures- female ad at perceptual speed, visual mem, verbal fluency and fine motor control
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Astur et al., 1998,
One of the more consistent sexual dimorphisms in behavioural and cognitive abilities in humans and rodents is a male advantage in place learning and navigation
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Markowska, 1999
Better place learning and navigation in males than in females – Exemplar study in rats water maze
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Astur et al., 1998,
Better place learning and navigation in males than in females – Exemplar study in humans in a virtual water maze
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Jacobs et al., 1990,
prairie voles, there is evidence that such differences might have evolved due to ecological pressures (they only exist in polygamous species in which males range more widely than females in the field) and correlate with a larger hippocampus males
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Gron et al., (2000)
human fMRI study suggests that men may use their hippocampus more than women in order to navigate a (virtual) maze
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Gladue and Bailey (1995)
Mental rotation: 20 items with two correct and two incorrect choices each; 1 point per correct choice; maximum score 40....
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Water jar task: 10 items, consisting of jar tilted at different angles; subjects required to draw water line assuming jar is half full; maximum score 10 correct (drawn line within 5 deg of accurate water level). stat signif dif
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Filipek et al, 1994
Sex differences in brain sites not primarily associated with sexual behaviour
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Breedlove, 1994
Brain weight is also higher in males than in females (both in absolute terms and relative to body size)
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Kessler et al., 1994,
Affective disorders (with the exception of mania) and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in women, substance abuse disorders and antisocial personality disorder are more prevalent in men
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Fombonne, 2005
Autism-spectrum disorders are more prevalent in males than in females (mean ratio ca. 4:1 link to baron cohen
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Card 2


Monaghan & Breedlove, 1992


These motoneurons and muscles are necessary for normal penile reflexes that are important for successful copulation- spinal cord controls the bulbocavemosus muscle at base of penis

Card 3


Moore (1992)


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Card 4




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Card 5


Morris et al., 2004


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