Red Blood Cell - Job
-Pick up oxygen from the air in the lungs -Carry it to the cells where it is needed
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White Blood Cell - Job
Part of the body's defence system. - LYMPHOCYTES ¬form antibodies against microorganisms. -SOME ¬ form antitoxins against poisons made by microorganisms. -PHAGOCYTES¬Engulf and digest invading bacteria and viruses.
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Muscle Cell - Job
Muscles contract and relax, in pairs, to move the bones of the skeleton. -STRIATED CELLS. Smooth muscle cells form layers of the tissue in your digestive system.
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Nerve Cell - Job
Carry electrical impulses around the body. They provide a rapid communication system between the different parts of the body.
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Root Hair Cell - Job
Close to the tips of growing roots. The RHC helps take up water and mineral ions, efficiently. Closely to the xylem tissue. The xylem tissues carry water and mineral ions to the rest of the plant, by the process of ctive transport.
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Red Blood Cell - Adaptations
Biconcave discs ¬ increased surface area to volume ratio for diffusion. -Packed with haemoglobin ¬ binds to oxygen. -No nucleus ¬ more space for haemoglobin.
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White Blood Cell - Adaptations
Enzymes - help to break things down.
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Muscle Cell - Adaptations
Contain proteins ¬ slide over each other making fibres contract. -Many mitochondria ¬ transfer energy needed for chemical reactions that take place when cells contract & rel -glycogen ¬ chemical that can be broken down, cellular respiration
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Nerve Cell - Adaptations
Many dendrites ¬ connections to other cells. -Axon ¬ carries the nerve impulse. -Nerve endings ¬ use transmitter chemicals. They contain lots of mitochondria to provide energy needed to make the transmitter chemicals.
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Root Hair Cell - Adaptations
-They greatly increase the surface area ¬ more water to move into the cell. -Large permanent vacuole ¬ speeds up the the movement of water (osmosis) from the soil across the RHC. -Many mitochondria ¬ transfer energ needed for the active trans
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What gets absorbed? (4)
Oxygen, Water, Mineral ions, Sunlight.
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How are they absorbed - structures? (6)
- Vascular bundle. -Large surface area. -One cell thick. -Good blood supply. -Capillary network. -Moist environment.
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Heart - Right Side. (6)
- Superior vena cava. -Valves -Right atrium -Right ventricle -Inferior vena cava
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Heart - Left Side (7)
-Aorta -Pulmonary atery -Pulmonary veins -Left atrium -Valves -Left Ventricle - Septum
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


White Blood Cell - Job


Part of the body's defence system. - LYMPHOCYTES ¬form antibodies against microorganisms. -SOME ¬ form antitoxins against poisons made by microorganisms. -PHAGOCYTES¬Engulf and digest invading bacteria and viruses.

Card 3


Muscle Cell - Job


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Nerve Cell - Job


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Root Hair Cell - Job


Preview of the front of card 5
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