Bills Revision

What is the formula for calculating the developed length of a 60 degree bend in a pipe?
πD/360 x 60 degree
1 of 8
State Pythagoras Theorem, then calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a Right Angled Triangle (RAT) when the two other sides are 37mm and 60mm
a squared + b squared = c squared
Hypotenuse = 70.49mm
2 of 8
A cylinder has a diameter of 175mm and a height of 201mm, calculate its surface area and volume
Surface area= 2π r squared + (π Diameter x height)
= 158,611.159mm squared

Volume = π r squared x height
= 4,834,616.57mm cubed
3 of 8
Calculate the increase in length of a copper tube 2000mm long when its temperature is increased by 50°C. Take the coefficient of thermal expansion as 17.35μM/°C/M.
Change μ into si units such as x10 to power of ?
Length x Coefficient x Temperature =
+ Length =

4 of 8
The following loads are ran for a average of 3 hours everyday for a year. Calculate the cost of electricity at £0.47 per unit and £0.43 per day standing charge.
25kw motor
2kw lighting
5kw heating
Standing Charge x 365 = £156.95
25kw x 0.47 x 3 = £35.25
2 x 0.47 x 3 = £2.82
5 x 0.47 x 3 = £7.05
Total x 365 = £16,468.8 + SC = £16,625.75
5 of 8
Calculate the clamping force onto the work when the nut is tightened until a force of 280N is applied to the clamp.
40mm / 60mm
Pivot side of clamp x force = 60 x 280 =16800
Divide the total length = 16800 divide 100 = 168N
6 of 8
The following resistors are connected in series across a 110volt supply. 35/72/89 (Ω). Draw the circuit and calculate the voltage drop across each resistor.
Find the resistance total = 35 + 72 + 89 = 196Ω
Using Ohms law I=V/R = 110 divide Rt = 0.561 amp
R1 = 0.561 x 35 = 19.635v
R2 = 0.561 x 72 = 40.392
R3= 0.561 x 89 = 49.929
Check answer by adding up all R
7 of 8
Draw and label the symbols used to represent both first and third angle projection.
First Angle Projection
The view is drawn on the other end of the component.
Third Angle Projection
The View is drawn next to where the view was taken.
8 of 8

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Card 2


State Pythagoras Theorem, then calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a Right Angled Triangle (RAT) when the two other sides are 37mm and 60mm


a squared + b squared = c squared
Hypotenuse = 70.49mm

Card 3


A cylinder has a diameter of 175mm and a height of 201mm, calculate its surface area and volume


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Calculate the increase in length of a copper tube 2000mm long when its temperature is increased by 50°C. Take the coefficient of thermal expansion as 17.35μM/°C/M.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The following loads are ran for a average of 3 hours everyday for a year. Calculate the cost of electricity at £0.47 per unit and £0.43 per day standing charge.
25kw motor
2kw lighting
5kw heating


Preview of the front of card 5
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