M1 Revision

Summary of each topic.


Kinematics of a particle moving in a straight line

s - Displacement (distance)

u - Starting (initial) velocity

v - Final velocity

a - Acceleration

t - Time

If a particle is slowing down it has negative acceleration. this is called deccelration or retardation.

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Convert all measurements into SI units!!

Time (t) - Seconds (s)

Displacement (s) - Metres (m)

Velocity (v or u) - Metres per second (ms ^1)

Acceleration (a) - Metres per second per second (ms^2)

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Formulae for solving problems about particles moving in a straight line with constant accelaration.

v = u + at

s = (u + v) t/2

v² = u² + 2as

s = ut + ½at²

s = vt - ½at²

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An object moving vertically in a straight line can be modelled as a particle with a constant downward acceleration of g = 9.8 ms^2

The gradient of a speed time graph illustrating the motion of a particle represents the acceleration of the particle.

The area under a speed time graph illustrating the motion of a particle represents the distance moved by the particle.

Area of a trapezium = average of the parallel sides  X  height

                             = ½ (a+b)h

A constant speed, distance = speed  X  time

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