Bernstein: Something's Coming from West Side Story

Describe the Melody of this piece. (4 points)
1). The melody is almost entirely syllabic 2). It is based on three main themes 3).The three ideas are alternated a number of times 4).The themes are varied by changes of lyrics and metre
1 of 8
Describe the Rhythm of the movement. (3 points)
1). Metre changes between 2/4 and 3/4 2). Cross-rhythms are created at the start by the on –beat bass accompaniment and the off-beat chords 3) Changes in metre, syncopation and the fast tempo help pronounce the feeling of excitement and anticipation
2 of 8
Describe the Tonality of the movement. (1 point)
1).The piece is in D major but there are 2 contrasting sections in C major
3 of 8
Describe the Instrumentation of the piece. (3 points)
1).Solo tenor with a band of woodwind, brass, percussion and strings 2).Accompaniment uses quiet dynamics, soft timbres and homophonic textures so they don’t overpower the singer 3).Strings put effects on word.The air is humming - harmonics+tremolo
4 of 8
Describe the Genre of the piece. (2 points)
1).Tony’s first solo in from West Side Story 2). Composed in 1957
5 of 8
Describe the Harmony of the piece (3 points)
1).Tonal and jazz influenced 2).Frequent use of jazzy chords like 7th’s 3).The tenor’s last note is a flattened seventh – makes music feel unresolved- links to Tony’s sense of expectation
6 of 8
Describe the Texture of the piece (1 point)
1). The texture is entirely homophonic
7 of 8
Describe the structure of the piece (2 points)
1). 3part structure 2). Quiet syncopated opening theme, Loud strident theme in 2/4 Lyrical slow-moving theme
8 of 8

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Card 2


Describe the Rhythm of the movement. (3 points)


1). Metre changes between 2/4 and 3/4 2). Cross-rhythms are created at the start by the on –beat bass accompaniment and the off-beat chords 3) Changes in metre, syncopation and the fast tempo help pronounce the feeling of excitement and anticipation

Card 3


Describe the Tonality of the movement. (1 point)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the Instrumentation of the piece. (3 points)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the Genre of the piece. (2 points)


Preview of the front of card 5
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