Behaviourist approach

What are the reflexes that all animals are born with made up of.
A stimulus and its response.
1 of 6
Pavlov's research was made into?
The reflex of salivation in response to a stimulus (e.g., food)
2 of 6
What was Skinner's research?
How rats displayed behaviours in response to a consequence or reward.
3 of 6
What does reinforcement mean?
Something in the environment that strengthens the likelihood of a behaviour happening again.
4 of 6
What is positive reinforcement?
When a behaviour displays a result which is satisfying or pleasant.
5 of 6
What is negative reinforcement?
When an unpleasant circumstance is removed, which becomes a positive result.
6 of 6

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Card 2


Pavlov's research was made into?


The reflex of salivation in response to a stimulus (e.g., food)

Card 3


What was Skinner's research?


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Card 4


What does reinforcement mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is positive reinforcement?


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