Other questions in this quiz

2. The police cannot release a suspect on bail until they make further inquiries?

  • False
  • True

3. Under s38 of PACE, Custody officer may refuse to grant bail if the suspects name cannot be ascertained?

  • True
  • False

4. There are SOME conditions in which the police can grant bail...give two?

  • The court asks the suspect to surrender passport and also suspect has 'sureties'
  • If suspects name cannot be found and if they are doubting their address
  • They arrest suspect

5. The Bail Act 1976 allows the court to REFUSE to grant bail if they believe the suspect will

  • obstruct with the course of justice
  • annoy people around them




eazzzzy chazz lol

Natalie Beard


Not detailed enough for my syllabus, nothing on Conditions really, for example who grants Bail? Needs a little more detail :) But stil, nice for some light revision.

George Hatton


easy easy easy

kal b


I could realy use more quizes to help me with bail because this is the only one. :(



Ah it's a nice and easy one but, not enough detail... police bail? court bail? could have added more about conditional bail? and so on... but.. still thanks, i got 100% ! **

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