B5 - lungs, kidney and digestion

b5 ocr gateway b biology section on lungs (everything) kidney and digestion as questions and answers. 

What is a spirometer?
a machine that measures lung capacity
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Tidal air is...
the TOTAL volume of air in a normal breath
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what is vital air capacity?
total lung capacity - (take away) residual volume
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What happens in inspiration?
intercostal muscle/diaphragm CONTRACT. Thorax volume INCREASES. lung pressure DECREASES and air enters lungs
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What happens in expiration?
intercostal muscle/diaphragm RELAX. Thorax volume DECREASES. lung pressure INCREASES and air leaves lungs
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How are the alveoli adapted?
large surface ares - moist surface - permeable surface - thin lining - good blood supply
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How do amphibians breathe?
O2 in and CO2 out through moist permeable skin. Not waterproof so lose water if dry - lives in moist habitat
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How do fish breathe?
gas exchange through gills. O2 rich water constantly entering mouth and forced over gills when closed. Water means the gills don't stick (if they do they suffocate)
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What is the respiratory tact lined with?
a mucous membrane
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Why is it hard to flush microbes out of the lungs?
because they are a dead ennd!
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What does mucus do?
catch dust and microbes
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What does the cilia do?
push out micro filled mucus as phlegm
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What happens during an asthma attack?
lining of the airways become inflamed - muscles around the bronchioles contracts - narrow airways
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What type of disease is cystic fibrosis and what are the symptoms?
it is inherited.....lungs produce extra thick sticky mucus (clogs bronchioles)
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What causes asbestosis and what are the symptoms?
industrial material(asbestos).....lungs become inflamed/scared - limits gas exchange
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what causes lung cancer?
lifestyle type - smoking can lead to tumours.
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What happens during digestion?
large insoluble molecules broken down into small molecules so can pass easily into blood plasma or lymph
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What enzymes are in the a)mouth, b) stomach and c) small intestine
a) carbohydrase b) protease c) carbohydrase, lipase and protease
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What does physical digestion do?
allows food to pass easily through the digestive system and provides a larger surface area for chemical digestion
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what is protein broken down into?
amino acids
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what is fat broken down into?
fatty acids and glycerol
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what is starch broken down into?
maltose then glucose
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is the stomach acid or alkaline?
acidic - optimum conditions for protease
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is the mouth and small intestine acidic or alkaline?
alkaline - so the enzymes can function
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where is bile?
stored in the gall bladder then release into the small intestine
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what does bile do?
neutralises stomach material(enzymes can work) - digests fat by breaking it into tiny droplets = EMULSIFICATION
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What does emulsification do?
creates a bigger surface area for carbohydrase
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what happens after fat has diffused out of the lymphatic system?
emptied into the blood
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what happens to glucose and amino acids in digestion?
moves into the blood plasma
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how are villi adapted?
huge surface area - capillaries - good concentration gradient - microvilli - 1 cell thick
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what are the function of the kidney?
1) removing urea from blood (which is produced in liver) 2) adjustment of iron levels 3) adjustment of water content in blood (ADH)
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What effects urine?
- heat (sweat) - exercise - not drinking enough - drinking too much
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Tidal air is...


the TOTAL volume of air in a normal breath

Card 3


what is vital air capacity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens in inspiration?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens in expiration?


Preview of the front of card 5
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