B5: Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction OCR Gateway (9-1)

  • Created by: Aleena
  • Created on: 26-03-18 18:48
What is asexual reproduction?
The process when only one parent produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
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What is sexual reproduction?
The process when 2 parents produce offspring that are genetically different to both parents. It involves the fusion of gametes from both parents to produce a fertilised egg (zygote)
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In what type of reproduction are the offspring clones of the parent and each other?
asexual reproduction
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Explain what type of cell division is needed in asexual reproduction?
Mitosis- an ordinary cell makes a new cell by dividing in 2. New cells have same genetic info as parent cell-so it's called a Clone
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What are the advantages of sexual reproduction?
1)Creates genetic variation within the population. 2)This means if environment changes + conditions become unfavourable, it's more likely that some individuals will have characteristics that enable them to survive.
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What process does sexual reproduction allow nature to do?
Genetic variation allows nature to 'select' the better characteristics (natural selection) and overtime leads to evolution,means species become better adapted to their environment
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What are advantages of asexual reproduction?
1)Can produce lots of offspring, quickly 2) Only 1 parent needs-means an organism can reproduce whenever conditions are favourable, as they don't need to find a mate. 3)This means it takes less time & energy
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What are the disadvantages of sexual reproduction?
1) Two parents are required-problem if individuals are isolated. 2) Takes more time and energy than asexual.This is because you need to find and attract a mate and fewer offspring are produced
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Give an example of this in terms of Bower birds
For example, organisms need to find and attract mates, which takes time & energy. The male bower birds build attractive structures for females and dance for them-to attract them
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Give an example in terms of polar bears?
polar bears often live alone, so male bears may have to walk up to 100 miles to find a mate
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What are the disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
No genetic variation between offspring, so if changes in the environment are unfavourable, the whole population can be affected, as all are clones of eachother if one is affected - the rest also will be as they all have the same level of resistance
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Give an example in terms of Black Sigatoka
Black Sigatoka is a disease that affects bannana plants, which reproduce asexually. So, if there's an outbreak , it's likely all bannana plants in the population will be affected-cos none are resistant to the disease
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Card 2


What is sexual reproduction?


The process when 2 parents produce offspring that are genetically different to both parents. It involves the fusion of gametes from both parents to produce a fertilised egg (zygote)

Card 3


In what type of reproduction are the offspring clones of the parent and each other?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain what type of cell division is needed in asexual reproduction?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the advantages of sexual reproduction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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