B4f: Plants need minerals

Candidates should appreciate that a balanced diet contains minerals and vitamins. The actual amounts needed are small but without them our health will suffer. Plants also need minerals and without them their growth will suffer. The survey of the contents of ‘plant foods’ provides the opportunity to use ICT sources and tools to collect secondary data. 

What minerals do fertilisers contain? (4) and what are they used for?
Nitrates, phosphates, magnesium compounds and potassium compounds needed for plant growth.
1 of 13
How are minerals absorbed?(3)
Dissolved in solution, root hair cells, and in the soil.
2 of 13
Why do plants require phosphates?
To make cell membranes and DNA, and for respiration and growth.
3 of 13
What mineral makes amino acids for proteins which are needed for cell growth?
4 of 13
What mineral makes chlorophyll for photosynthesis?
Magnesium compounds.
5 of 13
Why do plants require potassium compounds?
To help enzymes in photosynthesis and respiration.
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What does nitrate deficiency cause?
Poor growth and yellow leaves.
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What mineral deficiency causes poor flower and fruit growth and discoloured leaves?
Potassium compounds.
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What does magnesium deficiency causes?
Yellow leaves.
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Deficiency in which mineral causes poor root growth and discoloured leaves?
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Where are minerals present and at what concentration?
In soil, and a low concentration.
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Explain how minerals are taken up into root hair cells by active transport.
Root hair cells have carrier molecules on their cell membranes. These pick up mineral ions and move them across the membrane into the cell against the concentration gradient. Active transport needs energy from respiration to happen.
12 of 13
What does active transport move substances from?
Low concentration to high, going against the concentration gradient.
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How are minerals absorbed?(3)


Dissolved in solution, root hair cells, and in the soil.

Card 3


Why do plants require phosphates?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What mineral makes amino acids for proteins which are needed for cell growth?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What mineral makes chlorophyll for photosynthesis?


Preview of the front of card 5
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