B2ii Networks - Factors affecting the choice of network

  • Created by: nzalas
  • Created on: 25-11-18 19:59
Refers to a person's emotions and attitudes about using a particular system.
user experience
1 of 10
The requirements that a user has of a service (problems, processes, goals and preferences) and which that service must satisfy for the user to get the right outcome for them.
user needs
2 of 10
Identifying something precisely or of stating a precise requirement, a detailed description of the design.
3 of 10
The ability of a computing device to connect to other computers or the internet.
4 of 10
The amount of money that is needed in order to buy, do, or make something.
5 of 10
The quality of being able to do a task successfully, without wasting time or energy.
6 of 10
The ability for a system to work well together or can exist together successfully.
7 of 10
The process of putting plans into action, with consideration for the successful overall working of the plan.
8 of 10
The rate at which goods are produced.
9 of 10
The measures that are taken to protect a system.
10 of 10

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Card 2


The requirements that a user has of a service (problems, processes, goals and preferences) and which that service must satisfy for the user to get the right outcome for them.


user needs

Card 3


Identifying something precisely or of stating a precise requirement, a detailed description of the design.


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Card 4


The ability of a computing device to connect to other computers or the internet.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The amount of money that is needed in order to buy, do, or make something.


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