B2.4- Respiration and exercise

What do your cells need for respiration?
Glucose and oxygen
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What are the waste products of respiration?
Water and carbon dioxide
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Write the work equation for respiration.
Glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water (+ energy)
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Is respiration simply a single reaction?
No, it involves lots of different chemical reactions
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Where do most of these reactions take place?
In mitochondria
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What shape are mitochondria?
Rod shaped
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What is special about the inner membrane of mitochondria?
It is folded
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What does the number of mitochondria in a cell indicate?
How active the cell is
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Give three ways in which animals use the energy they release during respiration.
1. To build up larger molecules from smaller ones 2. To make muscles contract 3. To keep the body at a constant temperature
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Why do muscle cells contain lots of mitochondria?
Muscles use a lot of energy and need mitochondria to carry out aerobic respiration to provide the energy they need.
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In what form do muscles store glucose?
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Why is this a good source of glucose during exercise?
It can quickly be converted back to glucose when it is required.
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What happens to the amount of oxygen and glucose your muscles need when you start jogging?
They need lots more as many muscles are now contracting harder and faster.
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Give two changes to your body that take place when you begin to exercise.
Any two of: heart rate increases, arteries supplying muscles dilate/widen, breathing rate increases, breathing depth increases
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Why do we breathe faster and deeper when we exercise?
We need more oxygen supplied to our muscles and carbon dioxide removed from our body.
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What happens to your heart and lungs if you exercise regularly?
They become larger and get a more efficient blood supply.
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What is anaerobic respiration?
Respiration that takes place without oxygen
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When do we have to use anaerobic respiration?
When you are exercising so hard that your body cannot supply enough oxygen to the muscles
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What is the waste product of anaerobic respiration?
Lactic acid
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Who is more likely to have to respire anaerobically, a fit or an unfit person? Why?
An unfit person, as their heart and lungs will not be as good at providing the oxygen the muscles need
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What is one cause of muscle fatigue?
Build-up of lactic acid
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How does the body remove lactic acid?
In the blood when it flows through the arteries of the muscles
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Is more or less energy produced in anaerobic respiration compared to aerobic respiration?
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What is the word equation for anaerobic respiration?
Glucose = lactic acid (+ energy)
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Why do we often continue breathing heavily after we have stopped exercising?
When we exercise we produce lactic acid, this cannot just be breathed out like carbon dioxide, we need to continue to breathe in lots of oxygen so that it can break down the lactic acid into carbon dioxide and water.
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What is oxygen debt?
The amount of oxygen needed to break down all the lactic acid into carbon dioxide and water
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the waste products of respiration?


Water and carbon dioxide

Card 3


Write the work equation for respiration.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Is respiration simply a single reaction?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where do most of these reactions take place?


Preview of the front of card 5
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