B13.6 - Gene Expression & Mutation

  • Created by: fuzz.y
  • Created on: 22-10-17 12:39
What do we mean by "Gene Expression"?
if it is used to make a protein
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What controls Gene Expression?
Non-coding parts of DNA
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What do these parts of DNA do?
Non-coding parts of DNA switch genes on and off
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How do they affect Gene expression?
They control the genes so they control the protein made
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Define Mutation?
change in the sequence of DNA bases
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What are some factors that can increase Mutations?
exposure to radiation or some substances
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What can Mutations do to a gene?
change the protein that the gene codes for
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Do Mutations have big effects?
Most have very little/no effect
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Sometimes the effect if serious. What can this lead to? (protein)
Alter the gene; Alter the protein shape; so change the function of the protein
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What do Mutations mean for enzymes?
they lose their active site and so the substrate no longer fits into the enzyme
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If there are mutation in the Non-coding part of DNA, what happens?
The gene expression is affected
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List the 3 types of Mutation?
1) Insertions 2) Deletions 3) Substitutions
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What is Insertion?
new base is inserted into DNA base sequence
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What can this change?
(3 bases code for an amino acid) the amino acid
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Does this have a knock on effect?
Yes - insertions can change more than one amino acid
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What is Deletions?
random base is deleted from the DNA base sequence
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Does this have a knock on effect?
Yes - further down the sequence
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What is Substitution?
random base in the DNA base sequence is changed to a different base
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What controls Gene Expression?


Non-coding parts of DNA

Card 3


What do these parts of DNA do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do they affect Gene expression?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define Mutation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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