B1 - 1.3 Revision

What do inherited factors affect?
Appearance, metabolic rate, proportion of muscle to fat, and your risk of getting heart disease.
1 of 9
How do inherited factors affect your risk of getting heart disease?
Because they influence the levels of cholesterol in your blood.
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What does your body need cholesterol for?
For your cell membranes and to make vital hormones.
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What happens if the balance of your cholesterol levels is wrong?
Your risk of getting heart disease increases.
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What organ deals with the fat in your diet?
The liver.
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What is the relationship between exercise and health?
People who exercise regularly and generally healthier than those who don't do much exercise.
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What is the first explanation for the relationship between exercise and health?
You are less likely to be overweight if you exercise regularly, partly because you will be using more energy.
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What is the second explanation for the relationship between exercise and health?
You will have more muscle tissue, therefore a higher metabolic rate.
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What is the third explanation for the relationship between exercise and health?
Exercise affects your cholesterol levels. Regular exercise balances cholesterol levels, as the good increases and the bad decreases. This lowers your risk of developing heart disease.
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Card 2


How do inherited factors affect your risk of getting heart disease?


Because they influence the levels of cholesterol in your blood.

Card 3


What does your body need cholesterol for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens if the balance of your cholesterol levels is wrong?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What organ deals with the fat in your diet?


Preview of the front of card 5
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