What does fat do in the body?
Release energy, cushion internal organs and as an energy when you don't want to eat.
1 of 11
What is Obesity?
A form of malnourishment from consuming way more energy than you need and becoming severely overweight.
2 of 11
What problems are linked to Obesity?
Arthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and sugar and heart disease.
3 of 11
How can you lose mass?
Reduce the amount of energy you take in, do more activity or both.
4 of 11
Name 4 deficiency diseases and which nutrient they relate to.
Rickets (vitamin D/calcium), Scurvy (Vitamin C), Anemia (Iron) and Kwashiorkor (Protein).
5 of 11
What do you need cholesterol for?
To make vital hormones, to produce bile and for cell membranes to keep the structure.
6 of 11
How many types of cholesterol are there?
7 of 11
What happens if the balance of good to bad cholesterol is wrong?
Bad cholesterol causes health problems, risk of getting heart disease increases.
8 of 11
What organ deals with fat and makes different types of cholesterol?
9 of 11
What does eating high- fat food mean?
You are likely to have raised levels of bad cholesterol and increased risk of heart disease.
10 of 11
Give reasons to why exercise helps to keep you healthy?
Less likely to be overweight as you use more energy, more muscle tissue which increases metabolic rate, lowers bad cholesterol, good goes up.
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Obesity?


A form of malnourishment from consuming way more energy than you need and becoming severely overweight.

Card 3


What problems are linked to Obesity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can you lose mass?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 4 deficiency diseases and which nutrient they relate to.


Preview of the front of card 5
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