B1.1 AQA 2014

What is a balanced diet?
The right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
1 of 20
What are fats, carbohydrates and proteins used for?
To release energy and make new cells.
2 of 20
What do vitamins do and what happens without them?
Small amounts of vitamins make the body work healthily and without them deficiency diseases occur.
3 of 20
What is undernourishment?
When a diet isn't balanced.
4 of 20
In the UK what is the main source of malnourishment?
Consuming too much energy.
5 of 20
What can varying levels of energy cause?
Too much energy causes weight gain and too little makes you underweight.
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Does everyone need the same amount of energy?
No, different people and their bodies, need different amounts of energy.
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Does eating a lot, constitute as all the food groups?
No, you can eat a lot, but still miss out vitamins and minerals.
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Which gender needs to consume more food?
Males need more food than women, unless she is pregnant.
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How does age affect energy required?
Teenagers need more energy than the elderly as their rate of growth is much faster.
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What makes muscles work?
The energy from food supplies the muscles so they can work?
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What is the amount of energy needed based upon?
The amount of energy needed to live and should equal the energy consumed.
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What does the amount of exercise effect?
How fit someone is.
13 of 20
What does fitness do and how does it effect the energy transferred to tissues?
It causes muscle growth (up to 40% of body mass) which such tissue transfers more energy than fat.
14 of 20
What is exercise?
Anything that uses muscles.
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How does location affect energy needed?
People in warmer climates need to eat less as less energy is needed to insulate the body.
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What is the metabolic rate?
The rate of reaction in cells.
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What affects metabolic rate?
Gender (Men usually have a high rate) and proportion of fat to muscles.
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What can affect the metabolic rate?
It can be increased by doing more exercise and you build more muscle. Chemical reactions will occur at a faster rates in the muscle and for a time after exercise..
19 of 20
What predetermined factors can affect metabolism?
Genetics and inherited factors that can affect our health.
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are fats, carbohydrates and proteins used for?


To release energy and make new cells.

Card 3


What do vitamins do and what happens without them?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is undernourishment?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In the UK what is the main source of malnourishment?


Preview of the front of card 5
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