B10+B11 Higher

The regulation of the internal conditions or a cell or organism to maintain optimum conditions for function, in response to internal and external changes
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Cells that detect stimuli - changes in the external or internal environment
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Changes in the internal or external environment that can be detected by the receptors
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Coordination Centres
Areas that receive and process information from the receptors
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Areas (usually muscles or glands) that bring about responses in the body
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Basic cells of the nervous system that carry minute electrical impulses around the body
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Bundle of hundreds or even thousands of neurones
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Sensory Neurones
Neurone that carries impulses from the sensory organs to the CNS
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Central Nervous System
Part of NS where info is processed; made up of the brain and spinal cord
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Motor Neurones
Carry impulses from the central nervous system to the effector organs
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Rapid automatic responses of the nervous system that do not involve conscious thought
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Reflex Arc
Bring about a reflex action
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Cerebral Cortex
Region of the brain; controls consciousness, memory and language
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Region of the brain; coordinates muscular activity and balance
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Region of the brain; controls unconscious activities such as heart rate and breathing rate
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Suspensory Ligaments
Ligaments that connect the lens of the eye to the ciliary muscles
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Ciliary Muscles
Muscles that contract and relax to change the shape of the lens of the eye
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The sclera is the part of the eye commonly known as the “white.”
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Optic Nerve
A nerve that transfers the image from the retina to the visual centres in the brain.
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The cornea is the transparent part of the eye that covers the front portion of the eye
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Short sightedness; distant objects appear blurred as light is focused in front of the retina
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Long sightedness; close objects appear blurred as light rays can not be focused on the retina close up
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A lens thinner in the middle, thicker at the ends, diverging lens
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A lens thicker in the middle, converging lens
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Endocrine System
Gland; produces the hormones that control many aspects of the development and metabolism of the body, and the hormones they produce
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Chemicals produced in one area of the body of an organism that have an effect on the functioning of another area of the body (animal produced in glands)
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Hormone; involved in controlling blood sugar levels
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Hormone that prepares the body for the 'fight or flight' response
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Pituitary Gland
Master gland; secretes a number of different hormones into the blood in response to different conditions to control other endocrine glands in the body
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Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Causes the eggs to mature in the ovary
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Female sex organs; produce eggs and sex hormones
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Female sex hormone; controls the development of secondary sexual characteristics in girls at puberty as well as the build-up and maintenance of the uterus lining during the menstrual cycle
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Hormone involved in the control of blood sugar levels
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Type 1 Diabetes
Pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin
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Type 2 Diabetes
Body cells no longer respond to the insulin produced by the pancreas
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Thyroxine is the main hormone secreted into the bloodstream by the thyroid gland. It plays vital roles in digestion, heart and muscle function, brain development and maintenance of bones
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The release of a mature egg (ovum), from the ovary
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Main male sex hormone; controls the male secondary sexual characteristics at puberty and the production of sperm
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Methods of preventing pregnancy; normally prevent the meeting of the egg and sperm
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Responses of plant roots and shoots to environmental stimuli such as light or gravity
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The response of a plant to light, controlled by auxin
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The response of a plant to gravity
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Plant hormone; controls the responses of plants to light and gravity
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Plant hormones; play vital role in initiating seed germination
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Anti-duretic hormone; controls water balance and urine produced.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Cells that detect stimuli - changes in the external or internal environment



Card 3


Changes in the internal or external environment that can be detected by the receptors


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Card 4


Areas that receive and process information from the receptors


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Areas (usually muscles or glands) that bring about responses in the body


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