B1 summary questions

What are all the food groups you should eat to gain a balanced diet?
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre, (Water)
1 of 24
What are 5 health problems associated with obesity?
High blood pressure, increased risk of CHD, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and risk of cancer
2 of 24
In terms of energy what does a person have to do to lose weight?
Needs to use up more calories than they consume
3 of 24
Describe three ways in which your immune system defends the body against disease
White blood cells engulf the pathogens, White blood cells produce antibodies to attach on to antigens on pathogen, killing them. WBC also produce antitoxins to counteract the poisons produced by pathogens
4 of 24
Describe how the MMR vaccine protects you from getting measles, mumps or rubella
Dead or inactive pathogens of these diseases are injected into patient and this stimulates wbc to produce particular antibodies to kill them. so if a live one of these pathogens enters the body, wbc can produced remembered antibodies rapidly......
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Why shouldn't your doctor give you antibiotics for the flu?
flu is a virus which multiplies and reproduces inside body cells so antibiotics can't kill virus pathogens without destroying body cells
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Name one type of bacteria that is antibiotic resistant
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What practice did Semmelweis introduce in the 1840's and why did this lower the death rate?
He told doctors to wash their hands with antiseptic solution between patients and wards. This killed the bacteria on the doctors hand would be killed and therefore prevented the bacteria from transferring between patients and spreading of disease
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Describe the structure of the CNS and what it does
The CNS consists of the brain and the spinal cord. It is where all messages/impulses are transferred to by the sensory neurones in order for a response to be co-ordinated and sent back along relay and motor neurones to the effectors to be carried out
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What is a synapse?
a junction between two neurones at which a chemical messenger is released across the gap to carry the information.
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What is the purpose of a reflex action?
it is an automatic response which purpose is to stop you from getting injured
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Describe the pathway of a reflex arc
stimulus-receptor in sense organ- sensory neurone-synapse-relay neurone (In spinal cord or unconscious area of brain)-synapse-motor neurone- effector-response
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What is a hormone?
A chemical messenger that travels in the blood to target cells
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Name the four stages of the menstrual cycle and when an egg is released
1. Lining of the uterus breaks down (period), 2. lining of uterus builds up, 3. egg released (day 14), 4. lining maintained until end of cycle
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Two effects of FSH
stimulates an egg to mature in ovary and stimulates ovaries to produce oestrogen
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Two advantages and two disadvantages of the contraceptive pill
advantages- prevents unwanted pregnancies, over 99% effective. Disadvantages- doesn't always work, doesn't protect against STD's
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Describe how IVF is carried out
Give women FSH and LH prior to treatment then collect eggs from woman's ovaries and fertilise it in a lab with male sperm. Once embryo's are tiny balls of cells, one or two are transferred back into woman's uterus
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What is auxin? Explain how auxin causes plant shoots to grow towards light
Auxin is a growth hormone in plants. When a shoot is exposed to light, more auxin accumalates on the shaded side as light breaks auxin down and so this side grows more than the side in the sun, resulting in the shoot bending towards the light
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Describe how the amount of concentration of urine you produce depends on how much exercise you do and how hot it is
Water content is kept steady by the body by being lost in 3 ways- through breathing out, urine and sweat. When you exercise or hot day- more sweat so less urine so more concentrated. Cold day, less sweat, more urine, less concentrated.
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Why might an athlete use performance enhancing drugs and why might they not use them
They may use them to improve their performance and so increase their chances of winning. However they may decide not to take them as it is cheating so its banned and also there are many side effects
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How does a double blind drug trial work?
two groups- one group given a placebo drug and the other given the drug to be tested. Neither doctor nor patients know which group has what so they can monitor progress without being subconsciously influenced
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Name a drug that wasn't tested thoroughly enough and the consequences of this
Thalidomide wasn't tested enough as a morning sickness drug. So mothers who took it gave birth to babies who had abnormal limb development
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Describe three opinions on the link between Cannabis and hard drug use
1. Cannabis is a stepping stone drug. 2. Gives contact to drug dealers. 3. all down to genetics- certain people are more likely to take drugs generally so will try both
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Do legal or illegal drugs have a bigger impact in the UK?
legal drugs do because they are legal and so more people take them
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are 5 health problems associated with obesity?


High blood pressure, increased risk of CHD, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and risk of cancer

Card 3


In terms of energy what does a person have to do to lose weight?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe three ways in which your immune system defends the body against disease


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe how the MMR vaccine protects you from getting measles, mumps or rubella


Preview of the front of card 5
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