B1 Flashcards

Eukaryotic cells
Plant and animal cells
1 of 6
Prokaryotic cells
Bacteria cells
2 of 6
What do animal cells have?
a nucleus, cytoplasm, a cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes
3 of 6
What do plant cells have?
a nucleus, cytoplasm, a cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes, a vacuole filled with sap
4 of 6
Required practical
Use a light microscope to observe, draw and label a selection of plant and animal cells
5 of 6
Magnification Equation
size of image / size of real object
6 of 6

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Bacteria cells


Prokaryotic cells

Card 3


a nucleus, cytoplasm, a cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


a nucleus, cytoplasm, a cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes, a vacuole filled with sap


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Use a light microscope to observe, draw and label a selection of plant and animal cells


Preview of the back of card 5
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