B ; reform ; pressures ; representation of the people act '28

what persuaded ppl it wouldn't be harmful for universal suffrage?
little voting habit change of general elections '18-'24
1 of 25
what did the NUWSS turn into in '18?
2 of 25
and they continued to do what
point out inequalities between F/M voters
3 of 25
one in how many employed women could vote?
4 of 25
bc they rented accomodation and failed to meet property quals
5 of 25
when did labour attempt a women's emancipation bill?
6 of 25
which would have provided equal suffrage rights to?
all 21+ women
7 of 25
and this was followed by equal franchise bills when?
nearly every year in the early '20s
8 of 25
from '18-'27 who kept the equal suffrage question open in parliament?
9 of 25
more important than extra PM or kabour though was what?
baldwin and conservative's determination to attract female voters
10 of 25
until what year did maj party backbench oppose equal franchise?
11 of 25
but leadership believed?
women key to party future
12 of 25
what was the fastest growing element in the party?
the women's organisation
13 of 25
with over how many female conservative party members by '28?
14 of 25
who were more likely to vote cons in '20s?
women > men
15 of 25
conservatives tended to do much better in whcih constituencies?
the ones where women votes
16 of 25
baldwin supported equal francise from which year?
17 of 25
in '27 opps of equal suffrage tried one last atept to prevent reform but having daily mail?
publish several articles claiming they were giving vote to 'flappers'
18 of 25
this stereotype was aimed at doing what?
stirring up conservative opposition
19 of 25
those opposed also claime extenstion would create maj womenw ho would vote how?
as unified block
20 of 25
which would do what for political cultre?
bring about feminisation
21 of 25
'28 bill passed in commons by how many to how many votes?
387 - 10
22 of 25
act gave women vote on same terms as men enfranchising how many women?
23 of 25
how many woman voters were there now?
24 of 25
compared to how many men
25 of 25

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Card 2


what did the NUWSS turn into in '18?



Card 3


and they continued to do what


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Card 4


one in how many employed women could vote?


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Card 5




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