B ; reform ; pressures ; representation of the people act '84

election of '80 returned who to office for a second time?
1 of 29
irish home rule arty took how many seats in '80?
63 ooh beef
2 of 29
was there any extra-parliamentary pressure for this?
3 of 29
but gladstone fd maintenance of what difficult to justify?
separate borough / county franchises
4 of 29
with what kind of suffrage in boroughs?
5 of 29
and in counties?
£12 suffrage
6 of 29
experience of living in '67 reform act convinved gladstone it'd b ok to enfranchise who?
agricultural workers in the countryside
7 of 29
what may have influence this though?
partisan advantage
8 of 29
when did gladstone introduce this reform bill?
9 of 29
proposed creating a single national franchise of?
male householders / £10 lodgers
10 of 29
what happened in the commons?
passed easily
11 of 29
and lords?
12 of 29
thanks to whose intervention?
conservative leader salisbury
13 of 29
he was aware liberal support came from?
14 of 29
and tories?
15 of 29
so logically he feared?
librals would take over counties
16 of 29
when did queen victoria urge parties to negotiate and end deadlock?
oct '84
17 of 29
party leaders met @ salisbury's home in ldn and agreed what?
arlington street compact
18 of 29
which meant the tories would allow bill to pass as ling as it was followed by?
major redistribution of seats
19 of 29
what happened following this?
3rd reform act passed into law w/ little debate
20 of 29
electorate rose by what % as result of this first ever national qual?
21 of 29
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was this a larger or smaller numberical increase than the others?
larger duuh 2.5M ukno
23 of 29
contemporary observers believed this had established?
democratic system
24 of 29
had it?
25 of 29
household suffrage excluded?
many adult males ERM AND ALL THE WOMEN!!!
26 of 29
what kinds of people didn't meet household suffrage qualification, there's a big ole list?
sons of householders / servants / mmbs armed forces / most of 'residuum' / unskilled + casual labourers
27 of 29
and what big group?
28 of 29
this act excluded what % adult males from franchise?
29 of 29

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Card 2


irish home rule arty took how many seats in '80?


63 ooh beef

Card 3


was there any extra-parliamentary pressure for this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


but gladstone fd maintenance of what difficult to justify?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


with what kind of suffrage in boroughs?


Preview of the front of card 5
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