Axline's study of Dibs

What was Axline's profession?
A clinical psychologist
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Who contacted Axline?
Dibs' private school that he was attending
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What was the aim of Axline's case study of Dibs?
To unlock his personality and find him a way to express himself
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How old was Dibs when he was reffered to Axline?
5 years old
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Why were the teachers concerned about Dibs?
He played by himself and attacked other children that tried to play with him, even attacking teachers that tried to take him home
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What was Dibs' father's profession?
A scientist
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What was Dibs' mother's profession?
A surgeon
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Why did Dibs' mother resent him?
Because he had ruined her carrer as she had to give up her work to look after him
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Had Dibs' parents wanted a child?
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What did Dibs' father see him as?
An annoyance
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Did Dibs have any siblings?
Yes- a younger sister
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Did Dibs' parents have any trouble with his sibling?
No and she was sent away to school at an early age
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What did Dibs' parents think the problems with Dibs were caused by?
Biological issues such as retardation
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How did Axline begin her case study?
By conducting observations of him in the classroom
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What did Axline do with Dibs after observing him?
Gained permission from his mother to conduct weekly play therapy sessions with him
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How was data for this study collected?
Through notes taken during his play therapy sessions
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How did Axline get Dibs to speak?
She didn't, she waited for him to speak
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Was Dibs allowed to say and do anything?
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Did Axline analyse what Dibs was saying and why?
No because she wanted him to discover his own personality and not be subjected to any bias or pushed in a certain direction
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What was one of the main dificulties Axline found?
That Dibs didn't want to go home
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What did Dibs do with books?
Turned pages at a rate which would suggest he could read but the tachers did not know whether Dibs could read
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What did the study show of Dibs' intelligence?
That he was actually very intelligent and had an extreemely high IQ
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How long did it take for Axline to discover Dibs' level of intelligence?
The duration of the study
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What eventually happened to Dibs?
He was moved to a school for gifted and talented children
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What did Dibs' mother do that hindered her son's social development?
Excessivley tested him and taught his and shouted if he got it wrong
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Did Dibs' father demonstrate love towards his son?
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What did Dibs do to a toy soldier during the play therapy sessions?
Called it "papa" and buried it in the sand with a mound of sand over the top and often locked this soldier away
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Name a phobia of Dibs
Being locked inside and walls
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What would happen when Axline told Dibs that the play therapy session was over?
He would throw a tantrum and hide under her desk
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What did Axline do 5 minutes before the end of the play therapy session with Dibs?
Told him that soon he would have to leave her to prepare him
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What theory could Axline's study of Dibs be applied to?
The tripartite personality structure
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Was Dibs' fear of being locked away real or symbolic?
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Why did Dibs have a fear of being locked away?
Because his father used to lock him in his room
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What did Dibs nickname the three dolls he could play with?
Mother, father and sister
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Did Dibs exhibit anger towards the dolls that he named mother and sister?
Some but not much, he placed them but did not bury them
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What symbolised Dibs' family to him?
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Was there any mention of the oedipus complex in this study?
Axline didn't suggest this was the case but Hans was around 5 at the time so this could have been the case
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What happened to Dibs' parents throughout the study?
They began to recognise that they had a role to play in this and so took a more active role
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What did Dibs' mother begin to do throughout the study?
Started to teach Dibs how to read as she feared he was not able
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How did Dibs start to heal?
By his mother and father showing that they loved him and listening to him. They stopped testing him.
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What does catharsis mean?
Bringing repressed ideas into the subconcious
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What term can be applied to Dibs?
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What type of data did this study collect?
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What is a benefit of qualitative data?
It is detailed and in depth
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Did Axline use many research methods?
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Is the study easily replicable and reliable?
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Is the study generalisable?
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Where were Dibs' problems existing?
In his unconcious
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What did play therapy offer for Dibs?
A way to exert his anger and pain
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Can a theory easily be applied to this study?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who contacted Axline?


Dibs' private school that he was attending

Card 3


What was the aim of Axline's case study of Dibs?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How old was Dibs when he was reffered to Axline?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why were the teachers concerned about Dibs?


Preview of the front of card 5
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