Autobiographical Memory

What is autobiographical memory?
The memory of personal life events
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Autobiographical and episodic memory overlap because they both reflect what?
Spatio-temporal knowledge
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Autobiographical memory provides a long-term context or setting for what?
Episodic memory
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Reminiscence bump is when there is a peak in memories. But at what age is the peak?
10 and 30
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At what age do infants display visual self-recognition of their own image in a mirror.
20 months
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Is the development of the cognitive self linked to emergence of autobiographical memory?
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Who said that infantile amnesia related to repression?
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Social interactionist theories believe that
Autobiographical memory is shaped by maternal reminiscing styles
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Who researches social interactionist theories ?
Fivush, Harley and Reese
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Reminiscence bump is also influence of novelty of many memories formed shortly after the onset of .....
adult identity
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Another factor is reminiscence bump is a...
lack of proactive interference
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Retroactive is when
new learning interferes with old memory
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Proactive is when
old learning interferes with new memory
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Memories from 10-20 yrs focus on intimacy and personal relationships, while 20-30 yrs focus more on external public events.
False - other way round
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The reminiscence bump is linked to the development of social identity and changes in personal goals during the ...
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Goals of the self during reminiscence bump are important. Who said this?
Holmes and Conway 1999
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In what part of the world do older adults show a second reminiscence bump covering 35-55 yrs age according to Conway and Haque 1999
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What method is proposed as a solution to the difficulties in assessing autobiographical memory
Diary studies
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Linton found that what led to an event being more likely to be forgotten?
If the event resembled other events
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What was found to be necessary for long term recall in Lintons diary studies
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Linton found that when recalling autobiographical memories less than 2 years old, [blank] order of events was very important.
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Long retention intervals recall was determined more by [blank] than by order
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Who came up with the Self-Memory-System
Conway and Pleydell-Pearce in 2000
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What is the self-memory-system?
Proposes a self-memory system comprising an autobiographical knowledge base and a ‘working self’
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According to the self-memory system knowledge base is hierarchical and layered from the very general to the very specific. What are the hierarchical layers?
1. Lifetime Periods, 2. General Events, 3. Event specific Knowledge.
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What influences storage of information in the autobiographical knowledge base
Active goals
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What is another way that autobiographical memories can be retrieved?
Collaboratively through social interaction
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Selwood, Harris, Barnier and Sutton found that recalling autobiographical memories with others..
influenced the quality of memory narratives, increased vividness and reduced emotionality.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Autobiographical and episodic memory overlap because they both reflect what?


Spatio-temporal knowledge

Card 3


Autobiographical memory provides a long-term context or setting for what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Reminiscence bump is when there is a peak in memories. But at what age is the peak?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


At what age do infants display visual self-recognition of their own image in a mirror.


Preview of the front of card 5
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