ATP as a supplier of energy

  • Created by: zoolouise
  • Created on: 24-04-16 14:11
How many reactions does ATP involve compared to glucose?
Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP involves one reaction, releasing energy immediately. Breakdown of Glucose involves many reactions, takes longer for energy to be released.
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How many enzymes is needed in ATP than glucose?
Only one enzyme is needed to release energy from ATP. Many enzymes are needed to release energy from glucose.
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What's the difference in the amount of energy released from ATP compared to glucose?
ATP releases energy in small amounts, when and where needed. Glucose contains large amounts of energy, all released at once.
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What does ATP provide?
A common source of energy that can be used for many different chemicals, increasing efficiency and control by the sell.
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How does ATP provide energy for metabolic processes?
To build large, complex molecules from smaller, simpler molecules such as DNA synthesis from nucleotides
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How does ATP provide energy for active transport?
To change the shape of carrier proteins in membranes, allowing molecules or ions to be moved against a concentration gradient
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How does ATP provide energy for movement?
For muscle contraction
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How does ATP provide energy for nerve transmission?
sodium-potassium pumps actively transport sodium and potassium ons across the axon membrane
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How does ATP provide energy for secretion?
The packaging and transport of secretory products into vesicles
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many enzymes is needed in ATP than glucose?


Only one enzyme is needed to release energy from ATP. Many enzymes are needed to release energy from glucose.

Card 3


What's the difference in the amount of energy released from ATP compared to glucose?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does ATP provide?


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Card 5


How does ATP provide energy for metabolic processes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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