Asexual and sexual reproduction

How many parents are needed in a sexual reproduction?
One parent is needed in a sexual reproduction.
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How many parents are needed in sexual reproduction?
Two parents are needed in sexual reproduction.
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In sexual reproduction sex cells are made what is the specific name for them and what are both sex cells called in males and females?
A scientific name for sex cells is gametes, in females they are eggs produced in the ovaries. In males sex cells are called sperm and are produced in the testes.
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How many chromosomes does a gamete contain, and at what point do they have the full amount?
Each gamete contains half the number of chromosomes that a body cell has. At fertilisation, a male and female gamete fuse or join together. The new cell contains the full number of chromosomes.
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TRUE OR FALSE Half of its genes have come from the father, and half have come from the mother. The genetic material from both parents has combined to form a unique individual.
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When is genetic material randomly mixed?
Genetic material is randomly mixed during fertilisation. Any two gametes can randomly meet and fuse, producing a unique combination of genetic information in the offspring.
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How is Sexual reproduction different to Asexual reproduction?
In asexual reproduction only one parent is needed this means that the combining of gametes doesnt happene unlike sexual reproduction
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Wharts special about the offspring of plants that reproduce asexually?
As a result, the offspring are genetically identical to the parent and to each other. They are clones.
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Card 2


How many parents are needed in sexual reproduction?


Two parents are needed in sexual reproduction.

Card 3


In sexual reproduction sex cells are made what is the specific name for them and what are both sex cells called in males and females?


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Card 4


How many chromosomes does a gamete contain, and at what point do they have the full amount?


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Card 5


TRUE OR FALSE Half of its genes have come from the father, and half have come from the mother. The genetic material from both parents has combined to form a unique individual.


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