Artifacts of Roman Britain

  • Created by: Ellie
  • Created on: 24-04-13 15:57
Winter - what, where, celtic or roman, detail
Mosaic, Chedworth Villa, Thought to be Roman - mosaic, but appears to be wearing a Birrus Britanicus, coming out of casing bad planning? holding a dead branch and a dead hare
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Venus - what, where, C or R, detail
Mosaic, Rudston Villa, Roman imagery and story but holds strong celtic influence, her eyes nose mouth , "childrens art" of a mosaic syncresis of cultures,
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Hinton St Mary - what, where, C or R, detail
Mosaic,Hinton St Mary, Roman,Eyes nose and mouth sugg Celtic, thought to be christ due to the Chi-Rho and Pomegramates and 4 evangalists in corners, possibly Constantine.
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Classicianus - what, where, C or R, detail
Tombstone, Londinium, Roman, Put up by his wife, Chief Officer of Britain Equestrian rank - he prevented Paulinus from destroying the province after Boudicca
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Longinus - what, where, C or R, detail
Tombstone, Colchester, Roman, snakes sphinx and lions show educated and well travelled, damage from the Boudiccan revolt, cowering celt shows army
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Aurelia Aureliana - what, where, C or R, detail
Tombstone, Carlisle, Roman lack of detail sugg Celt so does indelicate arch, probably from stock as toga too short and standing, Poppies sugg sleep of death or nod to christianity
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Marcus Favonis Facilius - what, where, C or R, detail
Tombstone, Colchester, Roman, before Boudiccan revolt - missing VV from 20th leigon and before Colchester was a colony > Centurion, possibly the oldest sculpture found in the province, whole statue was probably painted
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Venus and Nymphs- what, where, C or R, detail
Sculpture, Roman though mouth and eyes sugg Celt copied from Greaco-Roman copy book, Venus reminds of Rudstone mosaic
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Uley Mercury- what, where, C or R, detail
Gloucestershire, Roman as part of a whole statue, poss had wings in his hair - other reps do, high craftsmanship, Syncresis
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Victory- what, where, C or R, detail
Distance Slab, Antonine wall, erected by XXVV (aft Boudicca), lounging = women and power, leaning on globe = goddess, palm of triumph = Victory
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Traprain Treasure - what, where,detail
Traprain Law, May be loot from Gaul but as cut up could be payment in precious metal to tribesmen outside the frontier for military purposes
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Hoxne Treasure (PP)- what, where, C or R, detail
Pepper Pot, Roman, carefully packed and buried, thought to be a late roman empress, poss Helen/Constantine's mother
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Statue Base- what, where, detail
Caerwent, Roman, example of local government, the ordo of the silues set it up in honour of Paulinus - shows friendly relations between R and C, Empire could absorb and integrate
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Antenocitius - what, where, C or R, detail
Head of cult statue, Hadrians wall,Celtic craftsman with classical training, part of a statue = roman purpose, thought to have a torc around the neck at some point
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Cocidius- what, where, C or R, detail
Silver plaque, made as an offering to the god, Celtic.
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Silvered bronze plates - what, where, C or R, detail
York, to "the gods of the Governors residence", and "to the marine deities Oceanus and Tethys" learned ref.
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Gorgon head - what, where, C or R, detail
Male, from temple of Sulis Minerva, celt trained in classical art = deep drilled holes in eyes, Syncresis
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Sulis Minerva
Gilt Bronze head of statue, shows syncresis of two cultures, predominantly Roman
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Genii Cucullati
Netehrlands, hooded Gods egss= rebirth and immortal life, usually found in 3s
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Female head
Towcester, Celtic = eyes nose mouth just the head as most important bit, suggested she is a goddess of the underworld
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Card 2


Venus - what, where, C or R, detail


Mosaic, Rudston Villa, Roman imagery and story but holds strong celtic influence, her eyes nose mouth , "childrens art" of a mosaic syncresis of cultures,

Card 3


Hinton St Mary - what, where, C or R, detail


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Classicianus - what, where, C or R, detail


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Longinus - what, where, C or R, detail


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