Arguments for legalizing Euthanasia

Personal Autonomy
A person should be allowed to make important decisions concerning their own lives, doctors should respond to patients' concerns and respect their rights when making decisions about their medical care.
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Quality of Life
People are entitled to a reasonable quality of life, which includes, physical, emotional and intellectual well-being. If a person has no real quality of life, through severe illness then they should be allowed to have their lives ended with dignity.
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Ending Suffering
If a person is in severe pain with no hope of cure or relief, they should be allowed to die in order to end their suffering. Some may argue it is the most loving thing to do.
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Pressure on Society
The continued care of these terminally/severely ill people is costly to society. If death is preferable to the patient, it is arguably beneficial to society.
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Patient's Family
If a person is in great suffering, it can put a huge strain/pressure on their family emotionally and psychologically. Allowing a person euthanasia will reduce their families suffering as well as their own.
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Doctors are already allowed to prescribe potentially lethal doses of painkillers with the knowing it may end the person's life, as long as this is not the intention, then doctor holds no responsibility. Legalizing euthanasia may prevent complications
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Passive Euthanasia is legal
Some argue there is little or no difference in passive euthanasia and active euthanasia, so both should be legal.
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Other countries
Many UK citizens go abroad in order to receive euthanasia. This can be distressing and costly for the families and patients, so it would be kinder to allow them to die at home.
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Card 2


People are entitled to a reasonable quality of life, which includes, physical, emotional and intellectual well-being. If a person has no real quality of life, through severe illness then they should be allowed to have their lives ended with dignity.


Quality of Life

Card 3


If a person is in severe pain with no hope of cure or relief, they should be allowed to die in order to end their suffering. Some may argue it is the most loving thing to do.


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Card 4


The continued care of these terminally/severely ill people is costly to society. If death is preferable to the patient, it is arguably beneficial to society.


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Card 5


If a person is in great suffering, it can put a huge strain/pressure on their family emotionally and psychologically. Allowing a person euthanasia will reduce their families suffering as well as their own.


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