AQA Paper 2 - Fundamentals of data representation


1. What is the advantage of vector graphics?

  • Infinitely Scalable
  • Infinitely inputtable into a program
  • The storage space is always under 0.5KB
  • Allows use of graphical primitives to send the image to the printer
1 of 20

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2. How big is one KiloByte?

  • 10^3 B
  • 2^10 B
  • 8^3 B
  • 4^7 B

3. What is the resolution of an image?

  • The pixels in an image
  • The height of an image
  • The number of unique colours in an image
  • The size of an image

4. What is metadata?

  • The use of extra data to ensure corruption has not occured
  • The unique ID given to every image to identify it
  • Extra data on an image that gives more information
  • The use of extra data to ensure correct image quality

5. How do you calculate the size of a sound file?

  • bit rate * sample rate
  • bit rate * length
  • bit depth * sample rate * 2
  • colour depth * sample rate * 2


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