Other questions in this quiz

2. How big is one KiloByte?

  • 8^3 B
  • 4^7 B
  • 10^3 B
  • 2^10 B

3. What is the advantage of vector graphics?

  • Allows use of graphical primitives to send the image to the printer
  • Infinitely Scalable
  • The storage space is always under 0.5KB
  • Infinitely inputtable into a program

4. What is a number base?

  • The possibilities of hexadecimal ordials
  • The possible numbers/letters a character can be
  • The possible decimals a float can contain
  • The possible letters a string can have

5. What is signed binary?

  • Binary with a sign bit at the start
  • Float Binary Numbers
  • Binary without a sign bit at the start
  • Negative binary numbers


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