AQA History - Restoration - Parliaments of Charles II - set 1

  • Created by: Jane48
  • Created on: 03-04-19 14:29
Which Ministry held power from 1660 - 1667?
1 of 30
Why did the Clarendon Ministry fail?
Foreign policy
2 of 30
What major war related event happened during the Clarendon Ministry?
Raid of the Medway
3 of 30
The second Anglo dutch war started in 1665 and lasted ..... years
4 of 30
Name of part of the Clarendon code from 1661 that said: everyone holding public office had to swear allegiance to the crown and the church of England
Corporation Act
5 of 30
Which Ministry held power from 1667 - 1673?
6 of 30
What is the name of the Parliament, under which the three main Ministries were?
7 of 30
When did Charles's second Parliament form?
8 of 30
When was Charles II crowned the King of England?
9 of 30
Name the declaration that in 1660 stated that Charles pledged to pardon the majority of those who had fought his father
Declaration of Breda
10 of 30
Name Charles II's first Parliament?
11 of 30
What did Cabal divisions cause?
12 of 30
Which Party opposed James becoming King after Charles?
13 of 30
Which Party believed in the freedom of religion?
14 of 30
Which party supported the King and believed the James should succeed to throne?
15 of 30
The Cabal was removed due to...
all three reasons
16 of 30
In 1672, the .................... stated that the crown could not pay off any debts
stop of the Exchequer
17 of 30
In 1672, the ........................... tried to allow catholics more freedom of religion. However, parliament did not allow it to be passed.
Declaration of Indulgence
18 of 30
In 1673, the ................ banned all catholics from holding positions of authority.
Test Act
19 of 30
The third Anglo - Dutch war started in .... and finished in 1674
20 of 30
The third Anglo dutch war ended due to...
a lack of money
21 of 30
Which Ministry held power from 1673 - 1679?
22 of 30
The Dnaby Ministry and the whole Cavalier parliament ended due to...
secret negotiations with France
23 of 30
When did the Exclusion Parliaments start?
24 of 30
When did the Exclusion Parliaments finish?
25 of 30
The first exclusion parliament was the...
Habeas Corpus
26 of 30
How long did the first exclusion parliament last?
3 months
27 of 30
The second exclusion parliament was the...
exclusion parliament
28 of 30
how long did the second one last?
6 months
29 of 30
the last exclusion parliament was the...
oxford parliament
30 of 30

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why did the Clarendon Ministry fail?


Foreign policy

Card 3


What major war related event happened during the Clarendon Ministry?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The second Anglo dutch war started in 1665 and lasted ..... years


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name of part of the Clarendon code from 1661 that said: everyone holding public office had to swear allegiance to the crown and the church of England


Preview of the front of card 5
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