AQA B1 genes , reproduction and growth

where are chromosomes found?
the nucleus
1 of 15
what are alleles?
a different version of the same gene
2 of 15
describe mitosis?
the chromosomes double then the cell splits in 2
3 of 15
describe metosis?
the chromosomes double then the cell splits and then the cell splits again.
4 of 15
which chromosome causes the male gene?
5 of 15
what do homozygious and hetrozygious mean?
homozygious means that they are the same , heterozygious means that they are different.
6 of 15
describe mendals peas experiment?
he breed 2 types of pea plants together and observed there offspring for there charactristics.
7 of 15
what is cystic fibrosis?
a genetic disorder caused by a faulty allele
8 of 15
whats polydactyly?
this is caused by a dominant allele
9 of 15
symptoms of huntingtons disease?
clumsiness, memory loss and mood changes.
10 of 15
what is selective breeding?
they breed the animals with the best charactaristics.
11 of 15
describe the process of making a tissue culture?
a few plant cells are put in a growth medium then when they turn into plantlings they are planted into a pot to grow fully.
12 of 15
decsribe 2 types of gene theraphy?
changing genes in the gametes, changing genes in body cells
13 of 15
what is adult cell cloning?
the nucleus of an adult body cell is put into an embty egg cell , shocked, then implanted into a surrogate mother.
14 of 15
what is a cutting?
a part of a plant is cut off and replanted to grow into a whole new plant.
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are alleles?


a different version of the same gene

Card 3


describe mitosis?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


describe metosis?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


which chromosome causes the male gene?


Preview of the front of card 5
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