approaches in psychology: behaviourism

its only concerned with behaviour that can be observed and measured. early behaviourists such as john watson rejected ideas of introspectionas it involved to many vague concepts. these ideas rely on lab studies. behaviourists believe all basic
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-processes govern behaviour changes in all species. they identifed the 2 ways of learning as: classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
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classical conditioninhg: pavlovs dogs
learning through association. ian pavlov discovered he could make his dog salvate to the sound of a bell if he associated this with the gift of food.he was able to demonstrate how a neutral stimulus is conditioned by an unconditioned stimulus togethe
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-r to give a conditioned response. eventually the neutral stimlus will give the same response as an unconditioned stimulus alone.
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operant conditioning- skinners research
BF skinner suggested learning is an active process whereby everyone acts on their enviroment. there are 3 types of consequences of behaviour:
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positive reinforcement: recieving a reward from good behavior, e.g: getting praise,money gifts. negative reinforcement: when a person or animal aviods something unpleasant, e.g: a student handing in an essay so they do not get told off. (similary
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the rat didnt touch the lever as this leads to aviodence of the electric shock. punishment: this is the unpleasent consequence of behaviour e.g: being shouted at by a teacher, finding a way to aviod this is negative reinforcement. positive and
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Card 2


-processes govern behaviour changes in all species. they identifed the 2 ways of learning as: classical conditioning and operant conditioning.



Card 3


learning through association. ian pavlov discovered he could make his dog salvate to the sound of a bell if he associated this with the gift of food.he was able to demonstrate how a neutral stimulus is conditioned by an unconditioned stimulus togethe


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Card 4


-r to give a conditioned response. eventually the neutral stimlus will give the same response as an unconditioned stimulus alone.


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Card 5


BF skinner suggested learning is an active process whereby everyone acts on their enviroment. there are 3 types of consequences of behaviour:


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