Angela Carter: TBC Context

  • Created by: Jessica
  • Created on: 02-06-13 14:23
What is the name of Leon Trotsky's Marxism article?
The Social Roots and the Social Function of Literature
1 of 8
What view does Trotsky take of literature?
A marxist dialectical materialist understanding
2 of 8
What is the relevant quote from this essay?
"Artistic creation is always a complicated turning inside out of old forms"
3 of 8
What are Carter's characters icons of?
The 'call to action' of 1970's feminist and socialist movements
4 of 8
In which of Carter's essays is the issue of self immolation deconstructed?
The Sadeian Woman and the Ideology of ***********
5 of 8
Which poem is a subversion of the gender roles in The Erl-King?
Porphyria's Lover by Robert Browning
6 of 8
What is the male gaze quote by Jonathan Schroeder?
"to gaze implies more than to look at - it signifies a psychological relationship of power, in which the gazer is superior to the object of the gaze"
7 of 8
In which article does Laura Mulvey profess that women adopt a male perspective when looking at themselves or other women?
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema
8 of 8

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Card 2


What view does Trotsky take of literature?


A marxist dialectical materialist understanding

Card 3


What is the relevant quote from this essay?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are Carter's characters icons of?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In which of Carter's essays is the issue of self immolation deconstructed?


Preview of the front of card 5
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