Ancient Rome- The late Republic- Political and military

  • Created by: Heather
  • Created on: 27-04-17 22:34
When is the late Republic period?
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What are some of the features of the late republic?
The Gracchi, -Marius and the army, -Sullus and civil war (80s), -Pompey and Caesar, -Civil War (49-45), Antony and Octavian, -Actium (31)
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Who was elected as tribune at the beginning of the period and what washis role?
Tiberius Gracchus and his role was to represent the poorer peopl of society
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What powers does a tribune habe?
Power to veto which means block rulings if they believed it wouldnt suit people
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What were his views on other tribunes?
He believed they weren't doing their job right for the people and were instead serving the interests of the state
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What were conditions like in the city for poor people and perhaps a reason for this?
Riots, overcrowding, poverty, disease, -Perhaps due to being displaced by the mass influx of slaves
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How did Tiberius appeal to the people to sort this out?
He created the Land Reform Bill to take land away from the rich where slaves were used as workers and was then given to the poorer families
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How did he introduce this?
HE did this by by-passing the senate to passthe law,
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Why didn't the Senate want this passed?
As thry were the one who owned land in Italy and so tried to stop the Bill
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Was it legal to do this?
No it was illegal
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What did this make him to the public?
A popular figure head and become the most powerful individual politician since dictators
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What did the Senate decide to do?
They didn't know how to stop him and were at a loss of how to deal with him so thye beat him to death
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What does Tiberius show about becoming a popular figure head?
YOu didnt have to be a consul to be well known, you just had to appear before the people
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what did he set a powerful precedent for based on politics?
Set a powerful precedent for people to skip the political path to gain power
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Therefore what does 133BC show about the status quo and violence?
It shows breaking the standard status quo as well as violencein politics
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Who was Tiberius brother?
Gaius Gracchus
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What did he join in 130BC?
land commission
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What did the land commission do?
Redistributed land belonging to allies rather than Romans
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Were the allies happy with this?
In 126, allies complained to the senate and were then forcibly ejected from Rome
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When was he elected tribune?
123BC, 122BC
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What did he propose to introduce?
A new complex plan of reform to get the poor into the city and allies out of Rome
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For his reofrms, what did he decide about execution of citizens?
He decided only the Roman people could recommend execution of citizens and not the Senate
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Was this a new law?
No it existed in Roman history anyway but trying to clarify this
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What programme did he extend?
The Land redistribution programme- HE wanted to expand over all of Italy
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Why does he want to estblish colonies in Italy and overseas?
Instead of saying to the poor people that they would be given a parcel of land outside of Italy, poor people can move into new cities and have jobs to build it,
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What idea does he kick start with this?
Romanisation- Idea of Romans outsie of Rome and making new countries more Roman
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What did he introduce based on grain?
Monthly ration of grain for the poor- Rather than relying on the patron-client system
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What did he also improve aroudn the Empire and even outside the city?
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How did he also reform the army?
He introduced better equipment for soldiers
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What was the army's equipment before but how has it changed based on funding?
The ary before was entirely self funded, and they had to supply their own armour but instead the state should supply it
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Who did he introduce into politics and where are they in the hierarchy chain?
-!Equestrians"- They are underneath the Senators so are middle class
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What powers did he give the Equestrians?
Allow taxes to be collected by them, put in charge of the court for corrupt senatorial governors
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What did he promise based on citizenship?
He promise to extend fil citizenship to latin allies and latin status to
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What powers did he give the Equestrians?
Allow taxes to be collected by them, put in charge of the court for corrupt senatorial governors
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What did he promise based on citizenship?
He promise to extend fil citizenship to latin allies and latin status to italian armies
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An extensive number of laws- DId they attempt to improve the status of all groups?
Of many groups except Senators and instead he was taking power from the ricj
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Did this make him popular?
With the people but not the Senate
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Who became consul in 121 and was an opponent to Gaius?
Licius Opimius
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What was used by the Senate in defense of the Republic because of Gaius' changes and popularity?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum- Final Decree of the Senate
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How was Gaius killed?
He murdered whilst besieged on the Capitoline Hill
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What did the people do in response?
They gathered and led a riot
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What happened to rioters?
3000 were jailed and then executed without trial
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For Gaius' Tribunate, what did he leave behind about "people power"/
The Plebeian assembly associated with urban mobs
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How did it lead to demagogues?
People appealing straight to the people rather than the senate and skipping the political steps
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What does it show about the power of the tribune?
There is a clear alliance between the Tribunes and the people, although a difficult time for them
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However, why is there conflict in the tribune?
Some appeal to the people but others want to stick with the Senate- COnflict between the 10 tribunes
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How are the conditions in provinces and why?
Worse conditions, particularly as a reult of exploitative equestrian tx collectors
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What was now an acute problem as no one voiced their problems?
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What did the SCU legitimise?
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what happened to the senator's power?
it weakened- Vulnerable and defensive as a body
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Who are now in the political picture?
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Could the Republic deal with these problems?
It wasn't set up to deal with these problems well, and was resistant to these changes
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Who was the Roman General from 157-86BC?
Gaius Marius
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What was he based on being a 'new man'?
Novus homo- First of his family to become a senator
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When did he become tribune?
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When did he become Praetor?
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What did he want to become but what stopped him?
He wanted to become consul but couldn't bcause of his new man status
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Why is this important?
it shows there was no way to let new people into the hierarchy- the Aristocracy had tightened the social climbing abilities of those to stop new people getting in
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When was the Jugurthine War?
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What was he during this war?
He was the lead-general's right hand man
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When did he become consul?
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How did he become consul?
He promised that if he was elected, he would win the war im North Africa
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Who was his right hand man and did they continue to fight in North Africa?
Yes, -Lucius Sulla
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What reforms did this lead to 107BC?
Army reforms- Where anyone could become part of the army, something which Gaius wanted to in 121BC
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What did this mean for Marius and the army?
This meant the army was loyal to marius and became almost like his own private army, and ignored the senate
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When was the war against Cimbri and Teutones?
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When was Marius elected for consul again despite what?
-104, -Depsite not being in Rome
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What two rules were broken by making Marius consul again?
-He had to be in Rome to be elected, -It was meant to be 10 years before he could be eelcted again but only 3
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What did Marius become to the peope?
A hero- He could defeat Rome's enemies and he was the only person who could
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Marius plays on this well and when is he re-elected consul?
In 103, 102, 101 and 100 with the promise he is the only one who can stop enemies
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Who did Marinus use to push forward laws?
Lucius Saturninus- Tribune of the Plebs
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How is Saturninus presented?
He is presented negatively and uses trustworthy ways to piut laws forward
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How were the Senates with this and what happened?
They weren't happy so riots occured and Tribunes murdered, including Saturninus 100BC
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When was the Social War?
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Who was it between and why?
ROmans and Italian allies- THey felt undermined by ROme
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Who was Sulla?
A Roaman aristocrat senator
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What cast was he in descent and was he wealthy?
he was from patrician descent but hgiehr in class
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What was Sulla's relationship with Marius and did he support his reforms?
-He was his right hand man in war, -He supported the old fashionned senate and hated how Marinus had broke political chain
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When was he made consul and why?
88BC ue to campaigning for a particular King in Asia, Merthidities and he was elected to sort out the problem
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What did he become to sort the problem?
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However, who too over chain of command despite being 70 at the time and why?
Marius as it was believed he was better at leading the army
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How did Sulla react?
he was annoyed by this and had already started marching from Rome and so tatted the city
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What did he laws did he stop?
He annulled Tirbunes laws and led to threats of violence against the state
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FOr Sulla's reforms, what did he stop about passing laws?
he stopped laws being passed through the people- It has to be passed through the Senate first
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Whose powers did be curb?
Tribunes power to veto
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What did he increase the Senate numbers to from 300 and who mostly were they?
600 people- Mostly his allies and friends
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What did he create for the latin alles?
He created 12 new colonies
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How did he make people fear challenging him?
People were entirely under threat of the army waiting in the streets
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however, he still had to attack Mithridates. When did he return to the East?
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What fellow consul marched on Rome and who did he bring back from exile?
Cinna, -Marius
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What happened with Marius?
he was given consulship for the 7th and final time in 86, but died 13th January
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Before his death, what did they decide they needed to do?
They needed to stop Sulla and organised the execution of his friends
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How long did Cinna hold the position?
3 years
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When did Sulla defeat Mithridates in Turkey and march back>
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What does his return lead Cinnas followers to do?
They panicked, and killed Cinna in 84 and begged Sulla not to kill them,
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When does Sulla finally retun and what does he do?
he marches on Rome and defeats the supporters of Marius and Cinna
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When is he named dictator?
Sulla in 82
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For Sulla as dictator, what are proscriptions which he introduced?
Legal assassinations- People could capture them and bring them in or murder them on the streets,
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If successful, what was there to gain from it?
Yoi woudl gain 1/4 of their wealth and property
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Hoever, what did this lead to?
people being hunted down, people appealed to Sulla to add people to the list because they were envious
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How many were murdered altogether?
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How did he reorganise court and juries?
he removed equestrians from positions of power
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What did he rebuild with his own supporters?
the Senate
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How many slaves did he liberate?
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What did he do to people and their lands for his ex-soldiers?
he uprooted people from their lands and settled his ex-soldiers in them
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When did he resign and why?
In 80BC after 2 years, -H believed his job was done,
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Who was Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus?
Pompey-Senator , consul,
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After Sulla detired, what did Pompey declare he was goingto have for his victories where?
a Triumph for his victories in Spain in 77-71BC
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He declared this despite what set back?
Despite the fact he was too young to be consul at the age of 27
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When was another Triumph held and was he made consul?
-70, Yes despite the rules,
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What was he successful doing in 67?
Successful command against pirates in the Mediterranean
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What campaigns did he lead in 66-62 and was he successful?
Eastern campaigns against Mithridates and so very successful
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Waht did he become nicknamed and compared with?
comapred with Alexander the Great and named Pompey the Great
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He held another Triumph. How did the senate view him?
They were unhappy with some aspects of his Treaty, such as giving land to his ex-army men
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Where and who did Pompey look for an ally in?
The Senate, -He chose Julius Caesar and Cicero
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When was the first triumvirate?
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Who was part of this?
Marcus Crassus who wanted more military power, -Pompey, -Caesar
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Together what were they going to do with Rome?
Stitch it up
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When was Caesar's first consulship?
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What bill did he pass?
Land redistribution bill
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What settlement did he ratify?
Pompey's eastern settlement ratified
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Who was ambitious popular poltiican who converted from patrician to plebeian status and why?
Clodius Pulcher- So he could carry the wishes of the trumvirate and become Tribune of the Plebs
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What did the Tribunician law grant Caesar?
A five year command in Gual
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how were the 50s viewed?
Seen as an anarchic time, with violence, bribery, corruption in the Senate and dominance of the Triumvirate with clients forming gangss
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For Clodius and anarchy, in 58BC what three things does he do?
-Corn dole -Renews working guilds, -Excles Cicero
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When was he Consul and what did he do which made Cicero liable to exile?
-63BC, -He decided there was a conspiracy happening among certain Tribunes and executed them but said this was fake and blamed Cicero
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When does Cicero return to Rome?
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Who is there gang warfare between?
Cloius and Milo
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Who is Milo?
A senator, gang leader and was opposed to Clodius
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In 57BC, what was Pompey given command of?
A five year command to secure the corn supply
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Who were elected consuls in 55BC?
Pompey and Crassus
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Where were there five year commands given for both fo them?
Pompey-Spain, -Crassus-Syria
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How long was Caesar's command extended in the Gaul?
5 yers
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When was Crassus killed by the Parthians?
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When was Clodius killed and how?
52Bc in a street fight with Milo
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The Tribune falls apart. Who is elected sole consul?
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However why was Caesar popular?
he was taking over land in Spain so nearly as popular as Pompey
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There were different aims in the period. What were the three?
Caesars, -Pompeys, -Optimates
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What did Pompey aim for?
To jeep the balakce with Caesar and the Optimates. He wanted to make sure Caesar wouldnt come hsi equal
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What did the optimates aim for?
They wanted the Senators to become the rulers again and believed people had too much power, and they wanted Caesar back to persecute him for false documents and bring him back early from the Gaul
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What di Caesar aim for?
He wanted command in Gual extended until he could stand for consulship of 48 and woud then be able to leave Rome again in 47 as proconsul avoiding persecution
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In 49BC how was Caesar viewed by the state by Pompey?
S an enemy of the state with the power of SCU
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How did Caesar take this and what did he do?
he saw this as a declaration of war and marched over and triggers the civil war in 49BC
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Who flees the city and why?
Pompey and the Senator flee the city to gather their army to go to Greece and so Caesar u
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How did Caesar use this?
He used this as a propaganda image, coming to save the people- The Saviour of Rome
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In 48BC who defeat who at what battle?
Caesar defeats Pompey who is murder in Egypt at the Batle of Pharsalus
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How was Pompey murdered? was Caesar happy?
he was murdered in Egypt after he fled, -Ths isn't what he wanted- He wanted to parade Pompey through the city
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What did he do in retribution?
He killed the ruler of Egypt and was replaced by Cleopatra
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When did the Civil War end?
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For Caesar's autocratic position, what was he granted in 49?
Dictatorship for 11 days
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What was he granted in 48?
1 year
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What was he granted in 46?
10 years of dictatorship then sort everything out and give back to senate
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What was he granted in 44?
Dictator for life
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What he also consul at the time?
Yes in 48, 46, 45 (soel consulship), 44
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From 46 what did he do with public morals?
Prefecture of public morals (praefectura morum)- power of censor
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What was he granted in 45?
Tribunician sacrosanctity
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From 63, what was he the head of?
Pontifix Maximum- Head of group of priests
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Therefore in all what was he made in all but name?
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What other power did he have? (4)
-Right to speak first in Senate, -Right to nominate Roman and provincial magistrates, -Sole right to command armies, -Control over all public money
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After 45 what was he hailed as?
'Father of the State;
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What honorus was he granted?
Divine honors: Gods protected him
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In 44, what did he appear on as the first person to do this?
head appeard on Roman coins - First time a living perosn appears on coins
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When was Caesar assassinated by who?
44BC by high up Senatorss, includign Brutus. He was stabbed 23 times in the Temple of Pompy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are some of the features of the late republic?


The Gracchi, -Marius and the army, -Sullus and civil war (80s), -Pompey and Caesar, -Civil War (49-45), Antony and Octavian, -Actium (31)

Card 3


Who was elected as tribune at the beginning of the period and what washis role?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What powers does a tribune habe?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were his views on other tribunes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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