Anatomy and physiology

Define active transport
Movement of solutes up a concentration gradient (low - high concentration. requires the use of energy ATP
1 of 9
What is the structure that is involved in facilitated diffusion?
Involves a carrier protein
2 of 9
True or false is chlorine and phosphate an anion?
3 of 9
What is the movement of large molecules through a cell membrane?
Faciliated diffusion
4 of 9
oth osmosis and diffusion are passive - do they require energy?
5 of 9
Where are minerals found?
Found within the body generally exist in the form of ions
6 of 9
How much urine do animals lose?
20mls per kg per day
7 of 9
How much respiration/sweat do animals lose?
10-20mls per kg per day
8 of 9
How many mls of water does a mammal require daily?
50-60mls of water per kg of body weight every day
9 of 9

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Card 2


What is the structure that is involved in facilitated diffusion?


Involves a carrier protein

Card 3


True or false is chlorine and phosphate an anion?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the movement of large molecules through a cell membrane?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


oth osmosis and diffusion are passive - do they require energy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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