Amnesia and Alzhiemers

Explicit & implicit memory
Explicit - memory which requires conscious recollection Implicit - Does not require conscious recollection
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Procedural & declarative memory
Procedural - part of long term memories, referring to how to do certain activities. Declarative - fact based memory store
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Antergrade amnesia
The ability to form new long term memories
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retrograde amnesia
Loss of memories of past events
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Stickgold(2000) Amnesians are taught how to play tetris and can remember how to play the game, however cannot recall how they were taught to play it.
Showing how the abililty to learn implicit memories is present and can use implicit memories, however there is no explicit memory, proving the existence of implicit memories
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Milner - HM was taught how to draw using a mirror, but had no reccollection of being taught to do it.
Showing how he was unable to preform explicit memories but can use implicit memories and procedural memories, amnesics tend to have implicit memories which can be built upon.
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Process by which memories are permently stored
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Isaac & Mayes (1999) Antegrode amnesia maight be due to problems with condolidation or retreval of memories, tested amnesics, through asking them to remember a list of words, found they preformed much better with cues when recalling
Problems with consolidaion rather than retreavel, as with cues the memory can be remembered.
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Remondes and Schman (2004) - Rats with damanged hippocampus could lean a new maze but forget it quickly
Showing the hippocampus is linked with consolidation, meaning with damage to the hippocampus, the memory cannot be considated and remembered.
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Gabriele (1998) - Damage to just one part of the hippocampus caused anterograde amnesia alone( BOTH.)
Most amnesiacs have anterograde & retrograde amnesia, showing how within the hippocampus its responsible for transfering memories to long term. Localised as different parts of the hippocampus is responsible for different facts.
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Card 2


Procedural - part of long term memories, referring to how to do certain activities. Declarative - fact based memory store


Procedural & declarative memory

Card 3


The ability to form new long term memories


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Card 4


Loss of memories of past events


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Card 5


Showing how the abililty to learn implicit memories is present and can use implicit memories, however there is no explicit memory, proving the existence of implicit memories


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