Aftermath of the Coup of Thermidor

What was the White Terror?
An anti-Jacobin reaction to the Terror, consisting of attacks by royalists on known remaining Jacobins. (jeunesse d'oree)
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Who was Louis Freron?
A journalist who encouraged the attacks on Jacobins in his newspaper; L'Orateur du peuple.
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Where was the White Terror the most severe?
Lyon, Toulon and Marseilles; gangs brawled with government troops and attacked Jacobin residences.
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What happened in Marseilles?
Alleged supporters of Jacobinism were rounded up and imprisoned, and then the prisons were attacked. Over 100 prisoners died.
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What happened in December 1794?
Thermidoreans abolished price controls such as the general maximum and advocated free trade.
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What was the effect of the removal of price controls?
The bad harvest of 1794-95 meant that less grain was available, and the removal of price controls meant that the price of bread skyrocketed.
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What was the value of the assignat in May 1795 and why?
It was below 96% of its original value, because the government printed more to fund the revolutionary armies.
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How can we measure the inflation?
A sack of firewood that cost 20 livres in 1790 cost 500 in 1795.
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Card 2


Who was Louis Freron?


A journalist who encouraged the attacks on Jacobins in his newspaper; L'Orateur du peuple.

Card 3


Where was the White Terror the most severe?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened in Marseilles?


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Card 5


What happened in December 1794?


Preview of the front of card 5
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