Actions and Intentions

Dennet (1987)
the intentional stance- infants understand intentionality and rationality of agents
1 of 11
Behen et al (2005)
passing toy game, infants became frustrated by unwilling actor - shows understanding of intention
2 of 11
Woodward (1998)
9m infants habituate to hand reach, new toy same reach, same toy diff reach - look longer at new toy - understand goals?
3 of 11
Tomasello (1995)
socio-cogntive revolution
4 of 11
Gergely et al (1995)
expanding, jumping ball - rational agent? 12m infant looks longe when ball acts irrationally
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Woodward (1998)
infants do not respond like this when object is not identified as rational
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Csibra (2003)
claims over interpretation of results - not mentalisitc - infants can only discriminate end goals states
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Shumizu & Johnson (2004)
found similar effects to woodward (1998) with inanimate objects
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Gergely et al (1995)
9-12m infants hold teleological stance - can identify purposeful behaviour of agent directed towards end state
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Sommerville et al (2005)
3m infant sticky mittens task - reach first = look longer at new goal (vs new reach)
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Brune & Woodward (2007)
children who produce more naturalistic pointing understand intentions of others pointing better at 9m
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Card 2


passing toy game, infants became frustrated by unwilling actor - shows understanding of intention


Behen et al (2005)

Card 3


9m infants habituate to hand reach, new toy same reach, same toy diff reach - look longer at new toy - understand goals?


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


socio-cogntive revolution


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


expanding, jumping ball - rational agent? 12m infant looks longe when ball acts irrationally


Preview of the back of card 5
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