Action theory

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What type of theory are action theories?
micro, bottom up
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What are action theories also referred as?
interprevist theory
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What 2 things do action theory empahsise>
free will and choice
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What meanings do they look at?
social actors and groups that construct through their interactions
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why do action theories generate qualitative data ?
study small groups
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What two things do Weber combined?
Structural and action theories
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Dispute Weber arguing that individuals have free will, what does he believe they are constrained by?
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What does Weber argue we have to do to understand human behavior?
look at structure and action
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What is a social action?
an action that has meaning
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What does not count as a social action?
an action that had no meaning or thought behind it like driving a car
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In order to discover a true meaning, what does Weber believe we need to use?
use verstehen
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Provide the criticism
never truly understand peoples motives and meanings, as we are not them
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Symbolic interactionalism
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What do Symbolic interactionalists focus on in terms of our interactions?
how we create and see the world
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What two things to they look at to understand interactions?
symbols and role taking
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Who argues that we are different to animals because of our interactions?
Mead (1934)
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Why are we different to animals?
because the ways we respond and give meanings to things that are significant
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Explain the interpretive phrase of meanings
role taking and putting ourself in other shoes to see how they see us
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How do we learn this and social interaction?
through imitative pay
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provide an example of a symbol we know the meaning of
finger to mouth to learn to 'be quite'
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However, how does Mead contradict small-scale studies?
just focuses on the micro aspects of life and ignores the bigger picture
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Why are symbolic internationalists different to Marxists?
can not explain power relations
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Labelling theory
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What are the 3 concepts that underpin labeling theory
The definition of the situation, looking glass self and concept of 'career'
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What is the definition of a situation?
if we believe something is true, will effect our behavior
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provide an example
teacher labeling
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Who puts forward the definition of the situation?
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Who puts forward looking glass self and what does it mean?
Cooley, see ourselves as they see us and leads to SPF
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What is the concept of the 'career'?
career membership to the group
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What does Becker believe this can lead to ?
the label becoming the 'master status'
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However, why is labeling theory to deterministic
not always leads to SPF, explain the orgins of the labels
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What do Marxists argue is against labeling?
ignore class inequality
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What do they belove is the basis of how we all see the social world in the same way?
common sense knowledge
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What does phenomenology examine?
the way we communicate and interact through their common sense knowledge
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who argues everything becomes socially constructed?
Schutz (1976)
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What does this include?
the social structure of society
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What do we offer to certain actions are particular situations ? (stereotypes )
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What does Schutz believe this ensures?
social order
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however, who rejects this view of Phenomenology?
Berger and Luckmann
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What is there criticism?
that society is merely subjective reality and as once life is socially constructed it has an external reality in us
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provide an example relating to religion
religious ideas start in consciousness but we are embedded in organisations
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who comes up with the structuration theory?
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What 2 arguments does he acknowledge?
micro and macro theories
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what are the 2 elements of how structures in society are reproduced?
rules and resources
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what phrases does Giddens use for claiming there is an equality of structure?
two sides of the same coin
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What type of theory are action theories?


micro, bottom up

Card 3


What are action theories also referred as?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What 2 things do action theory empahsise>


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What meanings do they look at?


Preview of the front of card 5
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