Accountability to professional bodies

What do professional bodies do?
They regulate the people who work in health and social care settings.
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What is a regulation?
A regulation is a law which sets the standard of professional conduct required of people who work in health and social care settings. Regulations are manditory; this means they mmust be followed by law.
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Give examples of professional bodies in England.
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), The Royal College of Nursing (RCN), The Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC), The General Medical Council (GMC).
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Give an example of a professional body in Whales.
Care Council for Whales (Social Care).
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Give an example of a professional body in Northen Ireland.
The Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC)
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What are the main regulations of workers in health and social care?
The regulations are: follow codes of professional conduct, be familiar with and able to apply current codes of practice, ensure that revalidation procedures are followed, folloe procedures for raising concerns (whistleblowing).
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What happens to workers when they do not follow regulations?
They might be diciplined by their employer, or in some cases by the police when they have committed a crime. When workers are diciplined, they could get some responsibilites taken away from them or they can lose their professional status.
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Card 2


What is a regulation?


A regulation is a law which sets the standard of professional conduct required of people who work in health and social care settings. Regulations are manditory; this means they mmust be followed by law.

Card 3


Give examples of professional bodies in England.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give an example of a professional body in Whales.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give an example of a professional body in Northen Ireland.


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