Shock Compensation

  • Created by: Falafelel
  • Created on: 26-04-19 16:48
What does RAAS stand for?
Renin Angiotension Aldosterone System
1 of 16
What hormone does the liver release in RAAS?
2 of 16
What enzyme do the kidneys release in RAAS?
3 of 16
Fill the blanks. '...' and '...' react together to form angiotensin 1
Angiotensinogen and Renin
4 of 16
Where is angiotensin 2 converted into Aldasterone?
Adrenal Glands
5 of 16
Angiotensin 1 is converted to angiotensin 2 by...?
Angiotension Converting Enzyme
6 of 16
The adrenal glands convert angiontensin 2 in to...?
7 of 16
Aldasterone increases the absorption of '...' which increases fluid retention
8 of 16
What receptors detect a decrease in BP?
9 of 16
Once baroceptors detect a decrease in BP they release what?
Antidiuretic Hormone
10 of 16
Antidiuretic hormone is released where?
Posterior Pituitary Gland
11 of 16
When baroceptors detect a decrease in BP, what system is activated?
Sympathetic Nervous System
12 of 16
The sympathetic nervous system increases what?
The contractility of the heart and the heart rate
13 of 16
The sympathetic nervous system response causes what?
Vasoconstriction, with vasodialation only occurring in vital organs e.g. heart, brain.
14 of 16
What are 2 vasodilators that cells release in response to hypoxia?
Lactic acid and Nitric Oxide
15 of 16
The release of vasodilators causes what?
Vasodilation and an increase in circulation to those cells
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What hormone does the liver release in RAAS?



Card 3


What enzyme do the kidneys release in RAAS?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Fill the blanks. '...' and '...' react together to form angiotensin 1


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where is angiotensin 2 converted into Aldasterone?


Preview of the front of card 5
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