A Level English Language Social Groups Key Theorists

Lesley Milroy
Belfast Study - defined closed and open networks, assigning a NSS and density. Found that the 'denser' networks used more vernacular English, and generally men had 'denser' networks'.
1 of 8
What doesn't Milroy account for?
Online social groups and the rise fo technology.
2 of 8
William Labov
NY Department Store - studied the post vocalic 'r'. asked question to promote response 'fourth floor'. found the lower middle class changed the most (aware of the need for covert prestige) and upper middle class the least.
3 of 8
Penelope Ekert - Jocks and Burnouts
Jocks used more standard forms, with Burnouts using more vernacular forms - possibly due to desire to fit in with community as they wanted to work in the local workforce.
4 of 8
Penelope Ekert - Communities of Practice
Takes in multiple contextual factors. A much more specific social group, can be really niche. Cannot be generalised.
5 of 8
Jenny Cheshire
Reading Study - studied children in Reading, and found that those who thought violence and swearing was okay used more vernacular English. Was more boys than girls, but not explicit. Could link to gender difference. Proves social groups impact lang.
6 of 8
John Swales
Discourse communities - group of people who share goals and purpose. Use communication to achieve these.
7 of 8
Basil Bernstein
Elaborated and Restricted Codes. Found a relation to class, as those form lower working class had restricted code and those form higher class had elaborated codes.
8 of 8

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Card 2


Online social groups and the rise fo technology.


What doesn't Milroy account for?

Card 3


NY Department Store - studied the post vocalic 'r'. asked question to promote response 'fourth floor'. found the lower middle class changed the most (aware of the need for covert prestige) and upper middle class the least.


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Card 4


Jocks used more standard forms, with Burnouts using more vernacular forms - possibly due to desire to fit in with community as they wanted to work in the local workforce.


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Card 5


Takes in multiple contextual factors. A much more specific social group, can be really niche. Cannot be generalised.


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