24: The Ending of Cold War Tensions

  • Created by: Madisonxo
  • Created on: 23-05-19 17:51
What did GV want to do in Afghanistan?
Remove troops ASAP
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What affected GV's decision?
US supply to the mujaheddin guerilla fighters - Mass soviet casualties + public opposition (bc Glasnost allowed the public to express their opinions)
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When were Soviet troops removed from Afghanistan?
Began in 1988, finished by 1989
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How had the US effected the Americas during the cold war?
Bought about the downfall of 24 governments in the region to marginalise Comm influence, US enabled right-wing dictatorships to flourish, incl the most brutal regimes.
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What happened in Nicaragua in the late 1980s?
Contras had a reduction in funding from the US, so they agreed a ceasefire w/the Sandinistas. The Sandinistas agreed for elections to take place, expecting an easy victory.
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How did the US influence this election?
By giving Chamorro, pro-American Sandinista opposition, $1million in financial support. This influence was pivotal in her victory.
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What other factors led to Chamorro's victory in Nicaragua?
The public was exhausted from 11 years of civil war + Chamorro was committed to peace.
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What did Chamorro do to ensure peace?
Removed the Contras, giving the Sandinistas no opposition which ended the civil war.
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What was Chamorro's legacy?
Ended war but left a ravaged economy (After US withdrew aid in 1992 claiming the Sandinistas covertly controlled the Nicaraguan economy)
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Who did the US support in El Salvador?
Duarte, a Christian Democrat, represented the most right-leaning party allowed to participate in the elections held their in 1984.
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How did the US support Duarte?
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Who was the opposition + who supported them?
FMLN: supported by USSR and Cuba
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When did the El Salvadorian civil war end? How?
1992: FMLN and government forces were fighting, but the US encouraged the gov to begin negotiations, the peace accords were signed and the FMLN became a legitimate political party.
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What happened in Cuba w/ the collapse of the Soviet Union?
It lost most of its funding, became more independent but was still committed to communism and revolutionary struggle. Began to export more w/China and Europe.
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What happened regarding USSR support in Angola?
1986: GV announced it would reduce support for the leftist MPLA regime in Angola.
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Why did GV do this?
Desire to improve relations w/the US and reduce Soviet gov. spending.
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What did the Soviet Union do to try and end the Angolan civil war?
Encouraged a major offensive against UNITA in 1987, there was a SA counter-offensive.
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Who else supported the MPLA? How?
Cuba: sent 10,000 troops to the MPLA w/o consulting Moscow. SA then agreed to negotiations.
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How did the Angolan civil war end?
1988: Agreement that Cuban forces would withdraw, degree of stability bought back to SW Africa.
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What happened in Ethiopia?
1987: Mengitsu established the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Marxist, relied on Soviet support.
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What happened to Ethiopia when the Soviet Union collapsed?
1991: Mengitsu fled the country as opposition forces approached the capital.
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When was the Malta summit?
December 1989
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Who was pres?
George Bush
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What were Bush's views on the cold war?
Did not think the cold war was definitely over
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What was agreed regarding Germany?
Less agreement over the reunification of Germany so Bush agreed that the US would not intervene, and leave the decisions to the Germans.
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What was agreed at the Summit?
No formal agreements signed, agreed that nuclear tech was not to be passed to third party states, GV made it clear that the USSR would not use force to prevent EE states determining their own political future
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Who was the W German Chancellor + what did he want for Germany?
Kohl: Wanted a unified Germany to be a member of NATO.
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When did the reunification of Germany take place?
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When did states like Azerbaijan begin to demand independence + what happened?
1988: Despite GV not supporting the nationalists (bc this would undermine the USSR), demands for independence spread to Georgia and the Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia + Estonia.
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The Baltic Way?
2 million citizens of the Baltic States formed a human chain across their 3 republics. 1989
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When did the Baltic States declare independence?
Feb 1990: Lithuania. March: Estonia. May: Latvia.
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When was the coup against GV? Outcome?
Aug 1991: Hardline Comm's had the view that GV's policies had failed. Coup failed but GV's position never recovered.
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When did GV resign?
August 1991: Caused the whole Party to dissolve, therefore the final unifying factor in the republic was gone.
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When did the Soviet Union end?
December 1991
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What did the final summits between GV and Bush achieve?
START ratified.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What affected GV's decision?


US supply to the mujaheddin guerilla fighters - Mass soviet casualties + public opposition (bc Glasnost allowed the public to express their opinions)

Card 3


When were Soviet troops removed from Afghanistan?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How had the US effected the Americas during the cold war?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happened in Nicaragua in the late 1980s?


Preview of the front of card 5
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