2. Effectively leading a team

  • Created by: ejholroyd
  • Created on: 29-06-22 10:28
What is Belbin's team role theory?
Team Role theory:
There are 9 team roles than lead to a high performing team:
*Completer/finisher, *Coordinator, *Implementer, *Monitor/evaluator, *The Plant, *Resource investigator, *Shaper, *Specialist, *Team worker
1 of 8
What is Magerison-McCann's team management wheel?
Agile model breakdowns the balance of skills from individuals and matches them to the appropriate job requirement.
2 of 8
What is Myers-Briggs personality test and what are the benefits for understanding these?
*Shows 7 different personality types

Benefits for understanding different personalities:
-Place people in the right roles
-Adapt working practises
-Utilise strengths
-Help support weaknesses
3 of 8
What is Tuckman's team development model?
Forming, norming, storming, performing, adjourning (included when required)
4 of 8
How can a team leader promote networking and cooperation between team members?
1. Stop behaviour early
2. Quick conflict resolution
3. Clear morals
4. Unified goal
5. Good communication
6. Role model
5 of 8
How can team, and individual, development be supported and reviewed?
1. Regular check-ins

2. Clear accountability

3. Resolve problems early

4. Acknowledge accomplishments
6 of 8
How can a team be empowered by delegating tasks and responsibilities?
1. Ownership
2. Trust
3. Self determination
4. Builds growth mindset
5. Innovation
7 of 8
Why is it important to recognise and learn from mistakes?
1. Lessons learnt for next time
2. Self resilience
3. Drives self-improvement
4. Change and improvement to ways of working
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is Magerison-McCann's team management wheel?


Agile model breakdowns the balance of skills from individuals and matches them to the appropriate job requirement.

Card 3


What is Myers-Briggs personality test and what are the benefits for understanding these?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Tuckman's team development model?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How can a team leader promote networking and cooperation between team members?


Preview of the front of card 5
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