Other questions in this quiz

2. What position did Zinoviev hold that allowed him to have a powerful bloc of supporters?

  • Head of the Petrograd Soviet
  • Head of the Moscow Soviet
  • Chairman of the Sovnarkom
  • Commissar for Foreign Affairs

3. In what year was Trotsky exiled?

  • 1927
  • 1928
  • 1932
  • 1925

4. Who was outvoted at Congress in 1928 by Stalin supporters?

  • Bukharin
  • Tomsky
  • Rykov
  • Kamenev

5. At which Congress were the United Opposition prevented from speaking at as a result of the accusation of factionalism against them?

  • 1926 Party Congress
  • 1925 Party Congress
  • 1927 Party Congress
  • 1928 Party Congress


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