1894 -1914: Imperial Russia

  • Created by: Samjb
  • Created on: 01-06-16 17:46
Tsar from 1894
Nicholas II
1 of 25
Who did Russia go to war with in 1904?
2 of 25
What does Bolshevik mean?
3 of 25
What nationality was Karl Marx?
4 of 25
Why did many people think that a Marxist revolution was impossible in Russia
Because it was economically backward
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What language was often spoken at the Russian court?
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Who was Rasputin?
A "holy man" who calimed to have the powers to help the Tsar's son Alexei
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What disorder did Alexei suffer from?
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Who was Sergei Witte?
Finance minister - credited with helping to modernise the Russian economy
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Name three of Witte's successsful initiatives.
Higher import duties, more foreign investment in Russia and the Trans-Siberian Railway
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Who had to pay for industrialisation?
The peasants - through higher taxes
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Who was assassinated in 1905?
The Grand Duke Sergei
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Which illegal political group had a section who committed violent acts like assassinations?
The Social Revolutionaries
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Which illegal political group did Lenin belong to?
The Social Democrats
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Why was the war with Japan such a disaster for Russia?
The humilliating deafeat exposed Russia's weakness
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Who led petitioners to the Tsar in 1905?
Father Gapon
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What social problems did rapid industrialisation cause?
Slum housing, poor living conditions, disease, overcrowding
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What was the St Petersburg Soviet of 1905?
A council of workers from over 96 factories
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What happened in the aftermath of Bloody Sunday 1905?
Strikes, mutinies, peasant uprisings
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What concessions did the Tsar reluctantly make?
Duma, extension of civil / political rights - the October Manifesto
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What did Nicholas issue almost straight away to reduce the impact of these reforms?
The Fundamental Laws
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Which group believed that the Duma was a complete waste of time?
Bolsheviks - committed to revolution
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Why were the first two Dumas very shortlived?
They were too radical for the Tsar
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How were more docile Dumas ensured?
The electoral arrangements were changed to make sure that only the more privileged were represented
24 of 25
Whcih of Russia's Allies caused them to become embroilled in the First World War?
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who did Russia go to war with in 1904?



Card 3


What does Bolshevik mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What nationality was Karl Marx?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did many people think that a Marxist revolution was impossible in Russia


Preview of the front of card 5
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